of First Downed Apache Helicopter
Exclusive to
5/3/99 (updated 5/5/99)
April 26, the first group of Apache Helicopters arrived in Albania to
escalate ground operations. Within a few hours of their arrival, the first
one crashed on a training mission. NATO
says that they are undeterred by the crash. Another
one crashed on May 5, killing the two crewmen. Each Apache costs about
$16 million. (It was earlier incorrectly reported that they cost $28 million,
but that is the cost of the top-of-the-line model. We sent the loss-leader
to the Balkans.) These photos are official US governmment photos which,
as far as we know, have not been previously released. The publication
of them here is for informational purposes only. The photos were supplied
and are courtesy of Outpost
of Freedom. Click on the photo to see a larger view.