Brits Have Torture Photos, Too

British military officials confirmed Friday that they are investigating new allegations that their soldiers abused a prisoner in Iraq. From a Sky News report: Photographs in the Daily Mirror show an Iraqi being battered with rifle butts, threatened with execution, and...

Isolated Incidents

Or, two more reasons why I've lost interest in the LCpl. Boudreaux case. * Justin interprets the lighthearted hijinks at Abu Ghraib. * That infamous hate-America rag Stars & Stripes reports on business as usual in Okinawa. Marines sentenced for mugging of Okinawa man...

US Whines about Al Jazeera

Bush Administration whines to Qatar about Al Jazeera "I am not responsible (for) al-Jazeera," Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim said of the Qatar-based station funded by the Gulf ally's ruler. "But we will take this concern back to al Jazeera and they have to review...

TV Stations Boycotting Iraq KIA Show

Via Atrios, we learn that Sinclair TV has announced a boycott of Ted Koppel's Nightline show in which he intends to read the names and show a picture of all the Americans killed in combat in Iraq. Apparently, Sinclair is only interested in good news from Iraq. This is...

Better than Saddam

The general in charge of the US-run prison system in Iraq has been suspended and put under investigation over the alleged abuse of Iraqi detainees by US soldiers. A senior US military spokesman says Brigadier General Janis Karpinski was suspended from her duties in...

Another Mutiny Over Fallujah

The Independent is reporting that the 36th battalion, composed of Iraqi Arab and Kurdish peshmerga militia , has mutinied. The battalion has been fighting alongside the Marines in the siege of Fallujah. The Independent reports that the Marines separated out those who...

“The Strange History of War-Death Imagery”

From an interesting article by Charles Paul Freund on images of war dead:The struggle for war-image control began when a camera was first aimed at soldiers in Crimea, but that struggle is hardly founded on the absolutes implied by arguments like the one over the war...

International Blog Roundup

International Blog Roundup I thought it might be interesting to some AntiWar readers if I put together a post of links to some good blogs written from interesting places that you might not have discovered yet. These are all active blogs that are worth checking daily....