Pentagon Official: ‘I hate all Iranians’

The UK Daily Mail on Sunday reports that British MPs were surprised to hear a visiting Pentagon official declare: "I hate all Iranians." Debra Cagan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Coalition Affairs to US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, made the comments this month to...

Will US Attack Iran? Hersh, Kolko Weigh In

Seymour Hersh maintains that the Bush administration is determined to strike Iran, though tactics and justifications have changed: This summer, the White House, pushed by the office of Vice-President Dick Cheney, requested that the Joint Chiefs of Staff redraw...

Weekend Blog Reading

Dan McCarthy, Richard B. Spencer, and Jim Antle -- all of whom might be broadly perceived as paleocons-with-libertarian-sympathies -- have started a foreign policy blog, Exit Strategies, and it's a great read: I especially liked two posts by Spencer: "Les Neocons,"...

US: Prison Central

Vineyardsaker has a provocative post on Ahmadinejad's description of America as a "big prison." He posts this chilling data (emphasis added): Incarcerations per 100,000 population (sample): 1014____Texas (in 1999) (governor George W. Bush) 1013____Louisiana (2001)...