Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Andy David was just interviewed on CNN about the attacks on the Gaza Strip. At the end he was asked if Israel would abide by the UN Security Council’s calls for a ceasefire. Instead of answering simply and saying “no,” he got to his answer in a roundabout way, insisting that the Israeli military’s killings in the Gaza Strip (300 at last count) are really being done for the children, claiming that the children of Sderot haven’t slept in eight years (a remarkable testament to their endurance, to be sure) and that anyone who looks at their tired eyes cannot help but support the continuation of the attacks.
Isn’t the welfare of children usually a reason not to kill people as opposed to a reason to kill them? How well will these children sleep hearing from their government that their rest ostensibly came at the expense of scores of innocent lives? One would hope that in the future the Israeli government will take responsibility for their own killings, instead of trying to lay the blame for a humanitarian catastrophe on innocent children.