It was a very hard choice, but Peter Bergen has given our killing by remote control a grudging thumbs up (Pakistan drone war takes a toll on militants -- and civilians, CNN, Oct. 29, 2009).  Not only do the drone attacks "consistently" kill civilians, they...
Andy Worthington in NYC, DC, SF for Gitmo Movie
Tireless Guantánamo chronicler Andy Worthington will be on our side of the Pond over the next couple of weeks promoting his new movie, Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo, based on his research. Here in New York, I'll be attending his talk at (surprisingly...
Ron Paul Says Iran Sanctions Will Backfire
Wednesday, in the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas explained to his colleagues the reasons for his opposition to the Iranian sanctions legislation and wondered why Congress would try to undermine the president when he's in the middle of trying...
Malalai Joya and the Tale of 2 CNNs
"The Bravest Woman in Afghanistan," Malalai Joya did two CNN interviews on Thursday. Joya is an elected member of the Afghanistan parliament who has been suspended for "insulting fellow members of parliament" in a television interview. She is articulate and firm in...
Ellsberg “Most Dangerous Man” film in DC on Thursday (10/29)
The new film, THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN AMERICA: DANIEL ELLSBERG AND THE PENTAGON PAPERS, will be shown in Washington at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center this Thursday (10/29) at 7 pm. Details here. Ellsberg will take part in panel discussion after the film is shown....
Congress Moves Big to Protect Toxified Soldiers
As Veterans Day approaches, a gift of some good news. Thanks to a lot of lobbying by members of congress and vet organizations, and backed up by great reporting by the Army Times and by hundreds of personal testimonies and affidavits by individual soldiers and...
Driving That Af/Pak Train
October 18th's suicide bombing in Iran near the Pakistan border was the subject of the top three articles in October 20th's Asia Times.  "Conventional wisdom suggests that the terrorist strike by Jundallah in southeastern Iran on Sunday might have had the backing...
What Lieberman Said…
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan gave an interview to the Guardian today, and the throw-away final sentence is causing a small stir. Quote: He insisted that the Turkey-Israel strategic alliance – which some AKP insiders have said privately is over – remains...
Blood Flowing in Post-Surge Baghdad
Two major bomb blasts ripped through Baghdad Sunday, killing an estimated 130 147 men, women and children and wounded some 520 721, according to reports. Twin car bombs targeted two government buildings in downtown Baghdad Sunday, wrecking pillars of the state's...
Karzai Gets 2nd Chance to Steal Election
So what am I missing in Afghanistan? Isn’t this like a really dumb bank robber being caught in the act (stealing almost a million votes) - and then - instead of booking him on charges, being given another chance to rob the same bank? The U.S. government and NATO are...