The Obama Justice Department has apparently decided that, since torture is not a crime (at least not anything deserving of prosecution), then concocting legal doctrines that unleashed torturers around the world is also no offense. A Justice Department internal...
Blair Lied, Thousands Died
You're a liar and murderer, say protesters in Britain. More details here also. Although I often criticize soldiers for participating in the war in Iraq, I believe Blair and Bush are the chief war criminals.
Jane WAS Right!
After all these years, Jane WAS Right! British political news has been consumed for the last several weeks by a formal inquiry into the illegality and deceit behind Tony Blair's decision to join the U.S. in invading Iraq.... A major focus of the investigation is the...
Why Obama Whistled Past Afghanistan Last Night
The number of words that President Obama expended on the war in Afghanistan during the much anticipated State of the Union address last night:Â exactly 92. Considering that the President's entire speech was 7,308 words, you could have missed his fleeting reference to...
A Memory of Howard Zinn
I just learned that my friend Howard Zinn died today. Earlier this morning, I was being interviewed by the Boston Phoenix, in connection with the release in Boston in February of a documentary in which he is featured prominently. The interviewer asked me who my own...
A Farewell Column from Joe Galloway
War correspondent Joe Galloway is retiring today. Galloway has been covering wars around the world for close to a half-century. The more wars he covered, the more anti-war be became. has been honored to carry his columns over the last few years. Read his...
CIA Torture Success Claim Cast Overboard, Drowns
Jeff Stein has a great piece on how the most prominent CIA apologist for waterboarding has finally 'fessed up that he didn't know what he was talking about. Much of the news media treated this CIA "expert" like a hero back in 2007. I assume they will ignore his...
American Conservative Website Attacked
Late last night the website for The American Conservative magazine was attacked by unknown hackers. They wiped out the content and replaced it with spyware. The site is currently offline and will hopefully be restored this morning. Our spotlight of the day ("Add Yemen...
Bagram: The Annotated Prisoner List
On January 15, the ACLU won a FOIA suit demanding information about the prisoners held at the Bagram airbase in Afghanistan. Now British journalist Andy Worthington has reproduced the list (Many of the detainees were abducted and from who-knows-where and brought to...
Dump Bernanke and Audit the Fed
How much damage can one man inflict and still be treated like a saint and savior in Washington? Ben Bernanke's career answers that question. The Establishment media has rallied around the current Fed chairman as if his reign was the triumph of wisdom and goodness -...