Maybe it is the US Army vs. the US Navy, but North Korea got a confusing message/non-message from the US government regarding their joint military exercises with South Korea. On Thursday, Gen. Walter L. Sharp, the top U.S. military commander in South Korea, was quoted...
ADL and NYC Islamic Center: What about the Pentagon?
The debate over the Islamic Center being planned for Lower Manhattan is unfortunately heating up. Islamophobes from neoconservative corners of the web, right wing politicians and Fox News have continued to drive a debate that should have died long ago with the...
Justin Raimondo on Fox Business Channel
Update: A video of the full show has been posted here. The first segment is Julian Assange, with Justin Raimondo (and his opponent) in the second segment. We will be posting the stand-alone segments in the next day or so.'s Editorial Director Justin...
(Don’t) Use All Your Well-Learned Politesse
And to keep the theme going, I urge you to read these posts on D.C. insider, universal expert, and Keynesian killbot Matthew Yglesias by Charles Davis and IOZ. We need more of this – more undermining of the we're-all-friends-here centrist atmosphere that...
As Heads Is Tails, Just Call Me Lucifer
In news that should stun those of you who just awoke from a seven-decade coma, Dave Weigel, recently fired by the Washington Post, has just been hired by a subsidiary of the Washington Post Company. Slate Group chairman Jacob Weisberg, who rose to...
More on Shahram Amiri
Gareth Porter and Philip Giraldi both have new articles out on the case of mysterious Iranian defector(?) Shahram Amiri. Porter's new one is here, in RawStory. Giraldi's is here, in The American Conservative magazine.
Crack It Open for Bradley Manning
I've exposed perhaps too much of what makes me weepy in these pages; here's more. It turns out PFC Bradley Manning, the 22-year-old intel analyst who risked his life to expose the banally recorded daily atrocities committed in service to the imperial project, is...
House Vote on Afghan War Funding a Disgrace
In a 308-114 vote Tuesday the House of Representatives ignored a massive influx of new evidence underscoring the futility of the conflict in Afghanistan, approving a massive new appropriation of emergency war funding. The vote came just two days after the world was...
Ron Paul & Dennis Kucinich: US Troops Out of Pakistan
Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich introduced a resolution to amend the war funding bill aimed at enforcing the War Powers Act to get US troops out of Pakistan. The amendment failed, receiving only 38 votes (32 Dems and 6 GOP). Shortly thereafter, the House overwhelmingly...
Weigel vs. WikiLeaks
On his Twitter feed Monday, Dave Weigel, journalist, posted the following (emphasis mine): The WikiLeaks Afghan dump is depressing. Very tired of our effort there being subjected to this kind of crap. When Glenn Greenwald pressed Weigel to clarify what "kind of crap"...