Justin Raimondo on Getting Beyond ‘Left’ & ‘Right’ (video)

Antiwar.com editorial director Justin Raimondo spoke in Boston yesterday on “Getting Beyond ‘Left’ and ‘Right’.” The event was sponsored by the new antiwar coalition, Come Home, America, which seeks to unite conservatives, liberals and libertarians against militarism and Empire. Thanks to The Daily Paul for the video.

9 thoughts on “Justin Raimondo on Getting Beyond ‘Left’ & ‘Right’ (video)”

  1. The US can't get "beyond left and right" because it has no "left" . Justin is clearly intellectually incapable of grasping this though I've explained it many times here. I'll try again: The "Democrats" are not remotely "left" from an international perspective. They are "far right". The "progressive" Democrats are not left either. They are just "right". The Republicans are "extreme right" bordering satanic

    Justin should stop referring to the "left" in the context of US politics because there ain't no such animal.

  2. Please travel to the UK to explain to the anti fascists that they should support the BNP in their “Bring Our Boys Home”.

  3. "Please travel to the UK to explain to the anti fascists that they should support the BNP in their “Bring Our Boys Home”. "

    Only the white ones, though. The BNP is profoundly racist.

  4. There is already a left-right antiwar coalition: it is called 9/11 truth.
    WTC7 is the Achilles heel of the war party, yet Raimondo refuses to exploit it. (Hmmm.)
    As long as alleged antiwarriors like Raimondo tacitly perpetuate the official 9/11 myth, the PTB will be able to scare Americans into supporting the "war on terror."
    9/11 got us into this mess; only 9/11T can get us out.

  5. Senator Max Cleland resigned from the 9/11 comission and claiemd it was a frau being perpetrated ont eh American people. This is rather bizarro. Other 9/11 comission memebers have said they were lied to by the government many times.

    People who acknowledge these facts and ask "Why?" are denounced as "troothers!". I can understand being scared of the consequnces for speaking out, but acknowledging the lies of our government surrounding 9/11 and asking follow up questions is THE ONLY logical course to follow.

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