Israel Reacts

The Israeli government reacts:

“‘We believe that Egypt is going to overcome the current wave of demonstrations, but we have to look to the future,’ says the minister in the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel enjoys diplomatic relations and security cooperation with both Egypt and Jordan, the only neighboring states that have signed treaties with the Jewish state. But while it may be more efficient to deal in with a strongman in Cairo – Mubarak has ruled for 30 years – and a king in Amman, democracies make better neighbors, ‘because democracies do not initiate wars,’ he says. ‘Having said that, I’m not sure the time is right for the Arab region to go through the democratic process.'”

That the racist regime in Tel Aviv, which pretends to be a “democracy,” believes “the time is not right” for Arabs to enjoy the benefits of democracy — witness their own treatment of their Arab subjects — is hardly surprising. What’s surprising is that they openly say so. In this, they agree with Joe Biden, whose remarks to PBS explicitly referenced Israel as one reason to look on the protests with a jaundiced eye. With American politicians, it’s all about Israel.

Now why do you suppose that is?

7 thoughts on “Israel Reacts”

  1. "In this, they agree with Joe Biden"

    Shouldn't that read, that "Joe Biden agrees with them," or that Joe Biden toes their line, or dances to whatever tune they play?

  2. Israel is the same democracy as Nazi Germany of the 20-th century. The second one died, hopefuly the first one will follow and the people there will denounce their country barbarism

  3. The thing that scares Israel and its suporters in the west is the end of dictatorial rules and free elections in the Arab countries.And the US will do everything it can to maintain brutal dictators such Mubarak of Egypt even if it has to invade Egypt.

  4. If Democracy allowed to spread across the region,and that if the US allowed it,Isarael would no longer be able to maintain the canard that it is the only democracy in the region.

  5. I wonder how much the triple of the number of arab homes being knocked down to make room for the 'better' jewish resident had an effect on al the unrest. The likud adopted the white paper called clean break which stated Israel should push for regime change in the arab nations. I wonder if they ever imagined it might happen in one weekend. I sure would be uncomfortable if I was an Illegal Israel settelr on the west bank. I suspect a billion arabs are headed to discuss the issue who owns the land.

  6. With the fall of US-supported dictatorships and/or autocracies, so go the restraints on the Middle East against a tide of discontent with Israel. The reason- the ONLY reason- the US is interested in maintaining any support (read: bribes) of Israel's neighbors is to keep them on a leash. With the people of those lands ready to revolt- or already revolting- against the US puppets, Israel is going to have to change its tune towards Arabs quickly or suffer the consequences. With history as a guide, we already know how that will play out- the Middle East in flames once again. This time, though, with the IDF already knowing it can be defeated, even in Lebanon, I imagine they are rethinking their entire war plans as it would be very difficult to take on all comers at once.

  7. Egypt , had killed it's leader who made peace with Israel / Sadat . That was the sole reason , preciptated by the muslim brotherhood but desired in general by the Egyptian populace still feeling the sting of humiliation from its defeats in wars with Israel . So Israel should be concerned for obvious reasons regarding it's wn security . Uh , military aid to Egypt was more for Egypts feelings of insecurity .And there was no defeat in Lebanon , Israel merely fought with great restraint , a restraint her arab neighbors would never show ..Push comes to shove Egypt would be crushed should it decide on a course of war again with Israel .So constrain your joy John Mohammed , the pan arab pipe- dream is well out of reach .

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