Harmonic Convergence

God help me, I agree with neocon bigwig, Danielle Pletka, of the American Enterprise Institute, who said in today’s Washington Post:

“The president himself needs to stand up and unequivocally make clear America’s position: in favor of the people over their oppressors. Suspend aid to the Egyptian government. Initiate an immediate review of all programs in the Middle East. Get the word out to our diplomats. Now.”

4 thoughts on “Harmonic Convergence”

  1. Send this or Email it to all senators that you know..

    For democracy to function democracy needs to empower democracy.., the principals in democracy prohibits empowering dictatorial, tyrants and or apartheid regimes..; therefore,

    "As an American citizen, I am deeply ashamed of my government's lukewarm response to the protests in Egypt. President Obama and Vice-President Biden have an opportunity to influence the outcome in favor of a more democratic Egypt. Thus far, they have squandered that chance. I urge all my fellow Americans to contact their senators, representatives, and the White House. It is time to call on Washington to stop supporting tyrants and dictators. It is time for out vaunted American gospel of democracy to be more than empty words and hollow gestures. It is time for a free world, and a Free Egypt!"

  2. What she means is, "We need to cut Mubarak off at the kneecaps, as we have with so many other dictators-for-rent when they became inconvenient. We then need to find a back-door way to install a compliant government that operates under the facade of electoral democracy, making sure the "right" candidates win."

  3. Justin, in your column you write "Unlike many, this commentator isn’t urging the Obama administration to endorse the demonstrations, or call for Mubarak’s ouster"

    This post sure made it sound like you were.

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