No Evidence of Iranian Weapons Program, Despite Rhetoric

Seymour Hersh reports in the latest issue of The New Yorker that “despite years of covert operations inside Iran, extensive satellite imagery, and the recruitment of Iranian intelligence assets, the United States and its allies, including Israel, have been unable to...

Pentagon: Cyber Attacks Are Acts of War (Except When We Do It)

Today's Wall Street Journal: The Pentagon has concluded that computer sabotage coming from another country can constitute an act of war, a finding that for the first time opens the door for the U.S. to respond using traditional military force. ...In part, the Pentagon...

Military House Raids on American Homes

A video was released today showing the house raid on 26 year old Marine veteran Jose Guerena. A heavily armed SWAT team, following orders from their leaders in the War on Drugs, approached the suburban home, bashed down the door, and got into a firefight with a man...

G8 Aid to the Arab Spring, More Imperial Control

Obama and the Group of 8 have pledged tens of millions of dollars in support of the Arab Spring. The aid and cooperation is supposedly conditional on positive steps towards reform, despite Washington’s track record on such things. The communiqué contained all the...

This Memorial Day, Donate to Antiwar!

Cliff Beattie’s parents spoke to the local news reporter outside their house in Medical Lake, Washington last Tuesday. His father’s voice quivered with the kind of choked reluctance you get when pressed to utter what you hoped you’d never have to. He can feel Cliff’s...

Saudi Arab Spring Policy Imitates U.S., Media Can’t See It

There is a great example of the general bias of The New York Times in today’s edition. Saudi Arabia is flexing its financial and diplomatic might across the Middle East in a wide-ranging bid to contain the tide of change, shield fellow monarchs from popular discontent...

America’s “Deep State”

Osama bin Laden was killed in a “posh Islamabad suburb” where he lived for six years and,  as Eli Lake recently wrote in The New Republic, “almost certainly relied on” some elements of Pakistan’s  military and intelligence apparatus to do so safely and secretly. This...

Harry Reid Channeling Dick Cheney in Fear Mongering

Apologists for the Democratic Party who refine “lesser evil voting” to a high art, should have been hanging their heads low for quite a while now with the advent of Obama’s Bush policies on national security and foreign policy (among others). But this jingoist,...

Rand Paul to Harry Reid: I won’t back down on PATRIOT Act

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) continues to demand debate on the constitutionality of the PATRIOT Act. Sen. Harry Reid has accused Paul of supporting terrorists by delaying the extension of the act. “He’s fighting for an amendment to protect the right – not of average...