Cheney’s Delusional Answer to ‘What Did We Get Out of Iraq?’

The U.S. benefit from the war in Iraq was that we eliminated the potential for al-Qaeda to get their hands on weapons of mass destruction from Saddam Hussein, according to Dick Cheney…weapons he did not have to begin with.

“…That was the threat after 9/11 and when we took down Saddam Hussein we eliminated Iraq as a potential source of that.”

Cheney is delusional. He must know that the doctrine of war that says a nation can attack another to “eliminate” a “potential source” of danger is the same doctrine of war that the Nazis were prosecuted for after WWII.

Frankly, most contemporary analogies to Hitler or the Nazis are hyperbolic and irrational. But here it is all too appropriate. Cheney has openly argued for the legitimacy of Nazi war crime rationales on national television.

Beyond that, Cheney commits the crime of defying basic logic. Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction (something I’ve argued Cheney and Bush knew at the time), so the preventive attack from the U.S. could not have eliminated that threat because it didn’t exist.

Moreover, al-Qaeda didn’t have a presence in Iraq to speak of prior to the U.S. invasion, which caused jihadists to flood the country. The threat the U.S. faced from al-Qaeda was magnified immeasurably as a result of the U.S. attack, not the other way around. Indeed, the remnants of al-Qaeda in Iraq are still fighting the U.S.-backed dictatorship in Baghdad and have expanded to Syria where there is a real risk of their gaining control over territory and military resources.

Trillions of dollars, thousands of dead Americans, hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, and millions upon millions of lives ripped apart…mostly because of the delusions dancing around in this sorry old man’s head.

[h/t Scott Horton]

7 thoughts on “Cheney’s Delusional Answer to ‘What Did We Get Out of Iraq?’”

  1. "Frankly, most contemporary analogies to Hitler or the Nazis are hyperbolic and irrational."

    Frankly, Godwin's Law does not apply to criticisms of the leviathan US war machine.

  2. There is nothing that these liars can say but one thing, a delusional talk about what the wanted and what they get out of their BS talk. To understand the idea behind all that BS talks by Cheney and other imbeciles as him is to understand Paul Wolfowitz, the father of all American Zionist and the pentagon ideologue who with bunch of other Neo Fascism, including Cheney, insisted at the time for USA to go to war with Iraq. Putting it in simple terms, Paul Wolfowitz (Israel) Zionism idea was for USA conquering the entire northern part of Middle East, from Lebanon to Pakistan where if the plan was materialized, the USG would be dominating the entire region and with Afghanistan the entire Central Asia, which means the world economy would be in USG hands, dictating to other nation what to eat and what to wear.

    USG never done anything in Middle East without being approved by Israel-AIPAC or the Saudis and UAE, Saudis and UAE wanted for Saddam Hussein to vanish so they could establish a sunny Muslims
    regime under their control in Iraq, as they have done in Libya, it is them who wants for USG to fight their war dirty wars in Syria and will stop at nothing demanding USA and NATO to attack Syria, it is them who have become more influentials than AIPAC in USG politics demanding, not asking any more but demanding for USA and EU governments to create a barbarians stats as in Libya. What Cheney is talking about is bull S""""""T, he knew what was at stake and what his gang of Neo fascism doing, so as Bush and that attorney…, Halliburton was and still charging 500% more than the costs the American people for what they do, Cheney is one of them.

  3. If this brain-damaged, psychotic war criminal is going to travel anywhere outside the USA, he'd better have an army of bodyguards around him since there are arrest warrants for his sick, sorry arse in many countries just like the Moron from Texas and others.

  4. What did we expect from this moron, even if they had nuke Iraq the answer would have been the same.

  5. The Cowardly Cockroach has got to be the most disgusting human being alive in this world. The fact that the American sheeple tolerated him in power for 8 years doesn't speak well of them either.

  6. Frankly, most contemporary analogies to Hitler or the Nazis are hyperbolic and irrational. But here it is all too appropriate. Cheney has openly argued for the legitimacy of Nazi war crime rationales on national television.

  7. I think this is definitely an amazing project here. So much good will be coming from this project. The ideas and the work behind this will pay off so much.

  8. I think this is definitely an amazing project here. So much good will be coming from this project. The ideas and the work behind this will pay off so much.

  9. "Frankly, most contemporary analogies to Hitler or the Nazis are hyperbolic and irrational."

    Frankly, Godwin's Law does not apply to criticisms of the leviathan US war machine.

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