Israel’s Plan to Ethnically Cleanse Palestinian Bedouin

A Bedouin woman after an Israeli demolition
A Bedouin woman after an Israeli demolition

Via Ma’an News, Israel is close to carrying out plans to forcibly displace tens of thousands of Bedouin Palestinians in southern Israel, demolishing their villages, and erecting new Jewish settlements in their place.

Israel’s Prawer Plan calls for the relocation of 40,000-70,000 Bedouin, the demolition of about 40 villages, and the confiscation of nearly 200,000 acres of land in the Negev Desert.

…According to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, the plan will destroy the communal and social fabric of tens of thousands of Bedouins, condemning them to a future of poverty and unemployment.

For those who don’t know, the Negev Bedouin are a group of Arab tribes that have lived in Palestine for centuries. Many of them were displaced in the 1948 war, but large numbers still remain in southern Israel. The Israeli state has long subjected them to abuse and denied them access to “basic services and infrastructure, such as electricity and running water.”

I am absolutely baffled as to how anyone can look at the Prawer Plan and not acknowledge Israel is engaged in ethnic cleansing.

20 thoughts on “Israel’s Plan to Ethnically Cleanse Palestinian Bedouin”

  1. Pingback: Anonymous
  2. Where are these so called (civilised?!) trigger happy, war mongering sichos who so concerned about civilians in Syria? Why are they not extending the same curtesy to these beduines? Why are not pushing for same sanctions against Israel? Why are they not threatening Israel with same war, your warships are still in area?

  3. The Bedouins are similar as the gypsies who where rounded up by the Nazis in Europe. This is the issue Max Blumenthal has picked up. Remember the only reason there are any Christians in Bethlehem today (they are a !minority) was because a village elder warned the conquering Israeli general to give the expulsion order in writing *
    *source Max Blu!menthal

  4. The Zionist pigs are at the end of their hegemonic period. Americans are waking up and realizing how much the pigs are costing them in blood and treasure, not even mentioning the unnecessary hatred directed at them. I'm not necessarily in agreement with the Arabs in general, however just can't find anything good about the stinking Zionist pigs. Just take a look at Nutnutyahou!…what do you see??….a conceited lying warmonger…

  5. No one at The UN or the EU parliamentarians ever heard of bedouin cleansing

    so no UN delegations anytime soon, they are busy checking up on the syrian exodus and Chem weapon demolition

    what comes next. The settlers cause a fractious judaization uproar on the temple mount and all hell breaks loose. Blumenthal and mondoweiss are not reporting on the temple mount flashpoint escalating daily. Netanyahus insanity is underreported

  6. Formal and informal study of the subjects is very necessary and vital. Research work the process is complicated and intricate the skills are refined for the betterment and for the security of endeavors in life.

  7. Where are these so called (civilised?!) trigger happy, war mongering sichos who so concerned about civilians in Syria? Why are they not extending the same curtesy to these beduines? Why are not pushing for same sanctions against Israel? Why are they not threatening Israel with same war, your warships are still in area?

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