In 2010, the Obama Administration endorsed, then immediately condemned the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) calls for a nuclear-free Middle East, realizing after the agreement that Israel is the only nuclear-armed state in the Middle East. Fast-forward five...
NPR Watch (National Pablum Radio): Profound Analysis of Yemen by Objective Harvard Professor?
If all of us rolled down our car windows at 5 pm on weekdays, we would hear a single great voice booming out across the land as if God himself were thundering from the heavens. In reality it would be countless car radios beaming out in unison “All Things Considered,”...
Whistleblowers vs. ‘Fear-Mongering’
Seven prominent national security whistleblowers Monday called for a number of wide-ranging reforms – including passage of the “Surveillance State Repeal Act,” which would repeal the USA Patriot Act – in an effort to restore the Constitutionally guaranteed...
Justin Raimondo Interview: To Limit Government We Need To Ditch Foreign Intervention Editorial Director Justin Raimondo spoke to Bill Meyer of KMED Radio in Medford, Oregon. The subject was Raimondo's recent article, "We'll Never Limit Government Unless We Ditch Foreign Intervention" Listen to the interview here.
Hillary the Most Corrupt Secretary of State?
Press TV called early this morning seeking comments on an article about Hillary Clinton’s promise to “topple” the top 1%. That topic was too good to resist; here’s the link to their page and file of my monologue, and here are some outtakes: *Hillary Clinton is perhaps...
Stygian Pits and Child Forfeiture
The eloquent Will Grigg in an outstanding interview with Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams, discussing his article Protecting the Vicious, Punishing the Virtuous: Marijuana Prohibition and Idaho’s Prison-Industrial Complex. My favorite coinages from the interview: Will...
To Send a Message, Judge Sentences David Petraeus to 75% of One Speaking Fee
Former CIA Director David Petraeus just got sentenced to two years of probation for leaking highly sensitive information to his mistress and then lying to the FBI about it. Petraeus had asked to enter the court room via a backdoor, so he would not be photographed, but...
Israel Junkets Pump Disinformation Into Congress
An American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF) briefing book (PDF) from a December 2014 congressional staff junket to Israel may be the first piece of “educational” information ever to leak out of the captive AIPAC shell organization to the public.AIEF was...
DOJ Claims Grossly Disparate Treatment Will ‘Promote Respect for the Law’
On Thursday, David Petraeus will be sentenced in North Carolina. If all goes as his lawyers and the government have arranged, he will get a year of probation for leaking some of this country’s most sensitive secrets to his mistress.On May 11 (the date has been...
Grave of the Fireflies
Take this inoculation against warmongering. Think of Madeline Albright’s “price was worth it” quote, the US blockade of Iran, and the Israeli blockade of Gaza, then watch the autobiography-based Studio Ghibli anime Grave of the Fireflies in which a 5 year old girl...