Ron Paul on Lindsey Graham In Iraq – Wants US Troops To Come Back!

Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain have returned to the scene of the crime – Iraq – where the war they demanded has left the country shattered into a million bits with ISIS there to take care of the rebuilding. These two “experts” are forever wrong in their every utterance and policy position – remember how angry McCain became when it was pointed out that he was meeting with terrorists in Syria and telling us they were moderates? – yet the slavish US mainstream media continues to defer to their rotten judgement. Back in Iraq over the weekend, the Senators again pushed the only policy they know – war – demanding a fresh supply of young American meat to be ground up in Iraq and Syria. Troops on the ground, they scream. Give us 20,000 to start! Today’s Liberty Report looks at the logical fallacy that doing more of what caused terrorism can defeat terrorism:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Two Reasons The ‘War on Terror’ Will Always Fail

If we want to get to a world where terrorism isn’t such a regular tragedy, governments need to start recognizing the fact that the so-called “War on Terror” is a self-fulfilling prophecy destined to foment one thing and one thing only: more terrorism.

The Big Picture: The problem arising in the wake of the recent mass-murder event in Paris and the subsequent French bombing of the Islamic State (also a mass-murder event) is that the two acts (and hundreds like them) serve as justification for more of the same from the other side. They provide fuel for each other’s fire and the situation, not surprisingly, continues to metastasize.

The great paradox at play is that as the West continues to attack the Islamic State, the organization’s appeal continues to grow among those who view the West as an adversary. Nobody knows exactly what causes radicalization but my best guess is that its appeal will continue to increase as the West continues to respond to violent events with exponentially more violence in turn. Such has been the trend thus far.

Why Terrorism? Terrorism is likely to spawn from a number of things, such as a bankrupt ideology, a sense of injustice, and disenfranchisement with the status quo. Regardless of the exact origins in any particular case, there are two primary reasons that the “war on terror” will continue to fail (assuming the goal is to reduce the number of terrorist attacks and the rampant increase in radicalization). Reason #1: Western violence (the principal prescription for fighting terrorism) is also the primary motivation behind successful terrorist recruiting efforts. Reason #2: Western attempts to overthrow heads of state under the guise of fighting terrorism provide an incredible opportunity for terrorist organizations to take root in a more institutional fashion. Let’s discuss these two phenomena in more depth.

Continue reading “Two Reasons The ‘War on Terror’ Will Always Fail”

Jim Lobe Wins Arthur Ross Media Award

Today (November 19), Jim Lobe was given the Arthur Ross Media Award. The award is presented by the American Academy of Diplomacy at a ceremony held in the Benjamin Franklin Room of the U.S. Department of State.

The award was given in recognition of Mr. Lobe’s chronicling of the influence of the neoconservative movement on US policy in the Greater Middle East through his blog has been running Lobe’s writings for 15 years. We congratulate him for this prestigious achievement.


Ron Paul: The Most Dangerous Time in Our History?

Washington wants the rest of us to believe we are living in the most dangerous time in history. It is how they can cower us into accepting their “protection.” But they are wrong. They are hyping threats. In fact we have a great many things to be thankful for as Americans this Thanksgiving. Those of use working for peace and the prosperity it brings have more tools at our disposal than ever in history. We are empowered. Tune in to a special Thanksgiving Day edition of the Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Roberts and Roberts Black Friday On Line Sale for

On Black Friday, November 27th, Roberts and Roberts Brokerage will be donating all profit from every sale made to Every dollar over the wholesale cost of all products sold that day will go to support Please call 800-874-9760 or visit on line at

Ron Paul Asks: Who Is Protecting ISIS And Why?

The US and its allies have allowed their desire for regime change in Syria to outweigh their stated desire to get rid of ISIS. What does that result in? Implicit or explicit protection for ISIS and related extremist groups inside Syria. Turkey was enjoying big business in Syrian underground oil shipments…until the Russians bombed ISIS’s oil infrastructure. Then Turkey attacked a Russian plane. What does it mean? Tune in to the Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.