Afghan Militia Loyal to Someone Behead Islamic State Fighters

Ho, ho, ho, can’t tell the good guys from the bad guys. That might as well be America’s war of terror slogan (copyright, 2001-2015.)

So see if you can sort out the Good from the Bad. Pretend you’re Secretary of State and this is a puzzle Barack has asked you to solve. Here are the facts:

Afghan militiamen loyal to no government but currently used by Haji Zahir, deputy speaker of the U.S.-created Afghan parliament, beheaded four Islamic State fighters and publicly displayed their severed heads. This ultra-violence highlights an increasingly brutal conflict as ISIS makes inroads in Afghanistan.

The beheadings by the Afghans of ISIS are in retaliation for ISIS earlier beheading four of Zahir’s own Afghan fighters. In what is a great statement, Zahir said “If they behead you, behead your son, do you expect us to cook sweets for them? Sweets are not distributed during war. People die.”

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Who Is the Arch Racist – Trump or Clinton?

Who is the arch racist, Hillary or Trump? To answer that, let us ask another question, a simple one. Which is worse: to denigrate some members of a group or religion or race – or to kill them by the millions? And maim more millions and displace even more millions? Which is more “racist”? With that in mind, who is the arch racist, Hillary or The Donald?

Do the liberals who criticize Trump, but not Hillary, as racist forget the slogan of the anti-Vietnam War movement, “Stop the Racist Bombing.”

And which causes more blowback, more revenge attacks by the victims – the denigration with words or the killing with bombs and sanctions?

Then consider the careers and statements of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Is there any doubt who is the greater offender in terms of hostility to Muslims? And yet in all of the accusations of “racism” hurled at Trump from the editorial pages of the New York Times to the most “progressive” web sites and outlets, there appears no corresponding charge against Hillary as racist. That is symptomatic of a deep imperial sickness, an inability to see what is all too clear. It is also an indication of the deep reach of the elite into all outlets of communication from the mainstream to most of the alternative ones and even into the minds of supposed progressives.

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US Now World’s Top Arms Dealer, says Peter Van Buren

In most people’s minds, America’s biggest exports are things like iPhones made in China, or swank Levi’s made in China. But in fact, America is the world’s leading seller of one category of goods, and those goods are nearly 100% made in America: weapons.

Maybe not a huge surprise, given that America maintains the globe’s largest military itself, has the largest network of bases and installations around the world, and makes war, well, pretty much anywhere/everywhere it godd*amn feels like it. But check out some impressive numbers: foreign arms sales by the United States jumped by almost $10 billion in 2014, about 35 percent growth, even as the global weapons market remained flat and competition among suppliers increased. How’d where you work do this year? Did you realize 35 percent growth? Sounds like you’re in the wrong business, Skippy.

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The FBI’s 1,800-Page Obsession With Peace Activist Pete Seeger

It may not be surprising that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) snooped on renowned singer-songwriter Pete Seeger for decades and even that the bureau’s file on Seeger runs to nearly 1,800 pages. After all, Seeger was a high-profile opponent of the Vietnam War, and war is the health of the state. But, Seeger was targeted by the FBI before his singing and songwriting gained widespread attention. About twenty-five years before Seeger sang “Waist Deep in the Big Muddy” on the Smothers Brothers national television show in 1968, Seeger drew the attention of the FBI by writing a letter to the California chapter of the American Legion.

The year was 1942, and the 23-year-old Seeger, who had been drafted into the United States Army, wrote a short letter to the American Legion chapter expressing his opposition to the chapter’s vote supporting action, as Seeger put it, to “1) deport all Japanese after the war, citizen or not, 2) Bar all Japanese descendants from citizenship!!” Seeger characterized the vote as expressing “narrow jingoism” and noted that he “felt sick at heart to read of this matter.”

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An Auspicious Birthday

I’m not telling Eric Garris I’m doing this, because I’m sure he’d object. He doesn’t take center stage on this web site very often, although without him it wouldn’t exist. He’s our webmaster, you see, and the founder of this site – and it’s his birthday tomorrow (Dec. 24).


For twenty years, Eric has essentially subordinated his life to the demands of running He’s not only the webmaster, he’s the manager-par-excellence. Aside from dealing with the purely technical aspects of maintaining this web site, he raises the money, he manages an often-contentious staff, he reins me in when I go more than a bit overboard. (This last task, you might imagine, is close to being a full-time job).

When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he told me: “Oh, nothing. But I wish we’d raised a bit more during the fund drive.”

That’s so typical of Eric – it’s always about the web site, never about himself.

So what I decided to do was to make an appeal to please make a contribution to in his name.

I can’t think of any better way to honor an activist whose dedication is the fuel that keeps this web site going. We just couldn’t continue without him.

So please, join with me in celebrating the birthday of the largely unsung hero of the antiwar movement by making your tax-deductible donation to

P.S. That photo I’ve posted is Eric at the age of three, exhibiting his enthusiasm for the written word at a very early age.

Yours in Peace and Liberty,

Justin Raimondo

Scott Horton Interviews Seymour Hersh on US Military’s Support for Assad

Seymour Hersh, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter and author, discusses the US military’s covert opposition to the Obama administration’s “Assad must go” policy in Syria, including intelligence-sharing with the Syrian army to prevent Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State from taking over.

Listen to the interview here or here. (Duration: 21:11 — 9.7MB)