Stephen Schwartz Lawsuit Watch Week 119

With apologies to Slate, I now inaugurate’s Stephen Schwartz Lawsuit Watch. As you probably already know, Schwartz threatened to sue us last week for hyperlinking to a photograph of him on The Atlantic Web site. After being laughed out of town for that by various commentators, including Instapundit, Schwartz now informs me, via e-mail, that

    If you knew anything at all about anything you would know that legal actions don’t take place in a week. …

    Legal action will have to do with libel, not links, and will be undertaken at the time and place of my choosing.

A time and place of his choosing, eh? Well, Schwartz first threatened to sue us (over a link to an article about him) in December 2002.

As for a suitable jurisdiction for his complaint, may I suggest Uzbekistan? I know it’s out of the way, but at least Schwartz has some credibility there.