May 6, 2003
Civilian Face on Imperialism
the naming of former ambassador L. Paul Bremer as something of a
co-consul proconsul (the news accounts say he will be in charge
with former Gen. Jay Garner his subordinate but the real picture
at this point is still a little fuzzy, the administration has apparently
done its best to put a civilian face on its military occupation
of Iraq. What is striking is how little the administration seems
to have gained, even in the ability to do PR spin, from this particular
appointment. Surely there was somebody available whose immediate
negatives, both in the United States and in Iraq, were a little
less out front.
fascinating but more than a little sad. The best way to imagine
that those in charge of policy in Iraq are even mildly competent
is to view the entire process from the most cynical perspective
for the moment that the real purpose of the invasion was to establish
physical military and intelligence assets inside a country that
lies close to the geographical center of the Middle East. That would
give the U.S. government easier access than from an aircraft carrier
to countries and places where future Islamicist terrorist activity
(state-backed or not) is likely to occur, a better capacity to train
or curry agents who could "blend in" in such an environment
– and overwhelming influence in the country with the world's second-largest
oil resources.
the invasion had nothing to do with ending Saddam's tyranny, neutralizing
weapons of mass destruction, bringing about democracy or setting
an example for the rest of the Arab and/or Islamic world, then it
probably doesn't matter much that the first conspicuous appointment
is of a man who retired from the State Department to become managing
director – not just an overpaid associate but managing director
– of Kissinger and Associates back in 1989.
might even, from a cynical perspective, be viewed as a relatively
good move to send somebody who will be perceived as a practitioner
of straight power politics with a realpolitik emphasis rather
than some dewy-eyed soul who actually believes his mission is to
establish democracy. It would let all concerned know that the United
States means to dominate and is in no mood to take any backtalk.
all might be a little discomfiting to long-time left-wing maverick
(and terrific writer) Christopher Hitchens, who in the face of 9/11
and what he calls "Islamo-Fascism" has become something
of a born-again supporter of the national security state in general,
of the idea of an ongoing war on terror and of this particular war.
He hasn't quite abandoned his tendency to be critical, but he has
shifted noticeably.
he still believes that Henry Kissinger is a certifiable war criminal
and has fairly recently opined that the master of realpolitik,
the bomber of Cambodia, the facilitator of Nixon and the author
of numerous other outrages, should be charged with war crimes and
brought to trial. So here comes L. Paul Bremer, who was, as noted,
not just an associate but managing director of Kissinger and Associates.
In 1981, when he was still with the State Department, Al Haig, also
a Kissinger confederate, appointed him Executive Secretary of the
State Department, where he directed the departments 24-hour-a-day
crisis management and emergency response center.
from Mr. Hitchens' perspective, there must be a certain bittersweet
aspect to this appointment. Did he change his spots on war, terror
and national security and disappoint a lot of his former friends
(though he seems to have gained some new ones) just to have a protege
of his bete noir be appointed to the most important post-war
civilian post, guiding the Iraqi people on the path to democracy,
Kissinger-style? How does Christopher Hitchens feel about that (to
use the language of a TV "news" interviewer) and does
he think at all about how things are turning out?
Bremer has a couple of recent feathers in his cap. He chaired a
terrorism task force appointed by Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert
in 1999 that produced a fairly respectable report in 2000 warning
of serious terrorism threats and focusing on al Qaida. That report
looked pretty good by September 12, 2001, although it was hardly
the only report on or warning about terrorism. It is always in the
interest of such task forces to find a pressing risk out there in
the nasty larger world, there are always dangers in the world (especially
given an interventionist foreign policy that among other things
reliably creates new enemies). So plenty of task forcers and a few
members of Congress can now claim to have been prescient about the
possibility of a terrorist attack.
other thing Mr. Bremer managed, in between being in charge of the
Crisis Consulting Practice for Marsh, Inc., which hired him away
from Kissinger in October 2001, was to co-chair the conservative
heritage Foundation's Homeland Security Task Force, which produced
a large magazine-style report in 2002. The report called for tightening
up infrastructure security, including designating the Global Positioning
System (GPS) as "critical national infrastructure" and
therefore to be under the control of the department of Defense.
It called for more stringent rules for passengers and freight carriers
at airports and a "nationwide surveillance network for early
detection of chemical, biological, or other attacks," beefing
up (and in effect nationalizing) the National Guard, accelerating
the development of missile defense, and having the military more
actively involved in advising (and directing?) local and state law
enforcement and other authorities on first-response and other practices.
Heritage report was not all that remarkably more aggressive in calling
for closer government supervision of the people as the major response
to terrorism than the proposals from a number of quarters in the
months following 9/11. It had a number of useful suggestions on
tearing down bureaucratic walls so agencies could communicate more
efficiently with one another. But it was most definitely a beef-up-big-government
response, which is a fascinating though hardly unusual tack for
an organization that on at least some other issues claims the mantle
of limited-government conservatives. It's hardly unusual for conservatives
to check their limited-government credentials at the door when it
comes to the national security aspect of the government, although
one might have hoped some would have outgrown it with the end of
the Cold War.
any rate, the word on Bremer from a number of retired foreign service
people I talked to is that he is capable, but not especially expert
on the Middle East. Although he did serve early on in Afghanistan,
his ambassadorial posting was to Norway (having been deputy ambassador
from 1976 to 1979), from 1983 to 1986. He was Ambassador at Large
for Counter Terrorism, the State Department's top post in the terrorism
field, from 1986 to 1989, which gives him at least a credential
in that field. Thus his expertise in the Middle East or in nation-building
is difficult to discern.
one former diplomat averred that he is "almost as good as he
thinks he is, which is pretty darned good," his major credential
seems to be that he is not a military man and thus useful for PR
purposes. I got mixed feedback on whether his appointment reflects
skill on the part of Secretary of State Colin Powell, in the sense
that Powell goes along with administration plans when he knows they
are inevitable but keeps working behind the scenes and through back
channels to make sure Defense isn't running everything, and diplomats
and diplomacy at least have some say in policy. Some say Powell
is a good bureaucratic infighter but compared to Defense has essential
no staff and few resources, so he's bound to lose most of his intramural
battles no matter how skillful he is.
just haven't discovered enough yet to know whether Bremer is really
one of Powell's guys or somebody with both old-line Kissingerian
credentials and recent experience in terrorism, a guy with a hard-line-enough
attitude to keep neoconservatives placated, or a known neoconservative
ally. It could be that the Bush administration came to the conclusion
that it would be a good front to get a civilian in charge without
much prodding from Powell.
say Bremer, with all his counter-terrorism experience, was appointed
in part to reinforce the idea that the Iraq war really was – no,
honest! – about fighting terrorism rather than eliminating a nasty
guy who has been a handy demon and gaining a territorial foothold
in the Middle East.
really striking thing, however, is how tone-deaf to world opinion
and potentially to a backlash within the United States this appointment
is. There are retired State Department people with broad experience
in he Middle East and a certain amount of cachet in the region
– several people mentioned Thomas Pickering – who might have been
available. Instead, the administration chose a guy joined at the
hip to Henry Kissinger, who is not viewed especially kindly by most
Arab governments, with the possible exception of Saudi Arabia. Was
the administration simply unaware of how Bremer's negatives might
play out, or did it just not care so long as the appointee was a
reliable Old Friend?
hypothesis is especially encouraging.
Alan Bock
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