Clinton should be green with envy. George W. Bush, Clinton's successor
and bird of a feather in his quest to stay out of the jungles
of Vietnam, in one fell swoop has addressed doubts about both
his personal courage and his solidarity with soldiers risking
their lives in Iraq. Bush's turkey day trot to Iraq for dinner
was a masterful stroke in public relations – at least in the
short-term. In the long-term, it could put the Bush presidency
further in the soup (or the gravy, as the case may be).
closer examination of Bush's public relations stunt raises questions
about its sincerity and wisdom. The headline – from a cooing
press ready to gobble up any story on a particularly slow news
day – was that the president risked his life to show support
for the troops.
Bush's holiday jaunt was shrouded in so much secrecy, even by
the standards of this hyper-secretive administration, that he
faced very little personal danger – even in hazardous Baghdad.
The trip was so hush-hush that the president's parents weren't
even told that he wouldn't be showing up for the family gathering
in Crawford, Texas. And by sneaking into and out of the fortified
Baghdad International airport in darkness on Air Force One –
which has many technologies to foil missile attacks – Bush was
very safe against the fairly crude means of striking aircraft
possessed by the Iraqi insurgents. Although Senator Hillary Clinton
ventured out of the airport to visit troops on the front lines
during her visit the next day, the president took no such risk
and remained in the fortified area for his two-and-a-half hour
stay in Iraq. The tight security arrangements obviously satisfied
the president's hyper-cautious Secret Service protectors. Unlike
a bird for Thanksgiving dinner, Bush had little chance of being
fired upon.
Bush's "mission" was designed less to shore up the morale
of U.S. military personnel than it was to knock the stuffing out
of war critics at home. Criticism had been intensifying about
a spike in the number of body bags coming back from Iraq and the
president's attempt to hide them from the American people by not
attending soldiers' funerals. Bush's foraging in Iraq for a "warm
meal somewhere" was really an attempt to scavenge for better
press anywhere he could find it. Security restrictions were bent
just enough to take a film crew from Fox News and other friendly
reporters along to record the president's daring do.
a network less captive to the administration line, interviewed
Iraqis on the record and American military personnel off the record
and got a less favorable assessment of the president's visit.
Many Iraqis wondered why Bush met only with a few members of the
U.S. hand-picked Iraqi Governing Council and not with a single
ordinary Iraqi citizen. Also, one soldier told CNN that although
it was nice of the president to come for a visit, that soldier's
main goal remained getting out of Iraq alive.
candid statement by somebody actually taking fire in the turkey
shoot against American GIs should lead to questions about the
sincerity of symbolic pats on the backs for the troops. Recently,
politicians and bureaucrats – who have done their best to personally
avoid combat – needlessly risking the lives of American troops
in faraway foreign military adventures has become as American
as pumpkin pie. If they had wanted to support the troops, they
wouldn't have sent them there in the first place.
of sincerity aside, Bush's pilgrimage to Iraq may backfire in
the long-term. Bush's last macho public relations gimmick – landing
on an aircraft carrier in a military flight suit under the banner
of "mission accomplished" – surely did. The subsequent
costly guerrilla war has belied such spin. Similarly, the president's
spreading of holiday cheer in Baghdad may tie him even more closely
to a policy that is likely to fail. Presidents Lyndon Johnson
and Richard Nixon visited Vietnam, but that did not prevent a
subsequent U.S. defeat in the war.
is unlikely to get many foreign troops to help suppress the Iraqi
guerrillas and is politically constrained – if he wants to have
any hope of reelection – from throwing more U.S. forces into
the quagmire. Thus, the insurgency – emboldened by talk of exit
strategies circulating in Washington and by plans to accelerate
turning the country over to "self-rule" – will not
go away and will probably get worse. The guerrillas, like those
in Vietnam, know that the Achilles' heel of the American superpower
is a citizenry that tires of foreign military adventures when
they are of dubious value for national security. Henry Kissinger
(a man who should know) once said that if guerrillas are not losing,
they are winning.
the Bush's trip, he tried to jawbone a victory by using testosterone-laden
slogans, such as "we will prevail" and "we will
stay until the job is done." Facts on the ground, however,
show that those statements contain more hot air than the Bullwinkle
balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade.
all of the intentional spin during his tour of the Baghdad airport,
Bush's Iraq policy may be best symbolized, although inadvertently,
by the central photo op of the trip: the president presenting
a turkey to the troops.
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Them Eat Turkey
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Point' in the War in Iraq: But Which Way Is It Turning?
Double Standards
in Double Time
Is Iraq Another
Having a Bad Day,
Pyrrhic Victories
on Iraq
Can America
"Spin" Away Anti-U.S. Hatred in Islamic
Countries? 10/15/03
A Bureaucratic
Fix for Iraq? 10/8/03
Open Warfare: Bush
vs the Intelligence Community 10/1/03
US Iraq Policy:
The Day the Roof Caved In 9/24/03
The Best of Bad
Alternatives for the Bush Administration in
Iraq 9/17/03
US Intervention
Backfires – Everywhere 9/10/03
Is North Korea
Afraid? 9/3/03
Past articles by
Ivan Eland
Eland is Senior Fellow and Director of the Center
on Peace & Liberty at The Independent Institute in
Oakland, Calif. Having received his Ph.D. in national security
policy from George Washington University, Dr. Eland has served as
Principal Defense Analyst at the Congressional Budget Office,
Evaluator-in-Charge for the U.S. General Accounting Office (national
security and intelligence), and Investigator for the House Foreign
Affairs Committee. He has testified on NATO expansion before the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee and CIA oversight before the
House Government Reform Committee.
Dr. Eland is the author of Putting
"Defense" Back into U.S. Defense Policy: Rethinking U.S. Security in
the Post-Cold War World and forty-five studies on national
security issues. His articles have appeared in Arms Control
Today, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Emory Law Journal,
The Independent
Review, Issues in Science and Technology, Mediterranean
Quarterly, Middle East and International Review, Middle East Policy,
Nexus, and Northwestern Journal of International Affairs. His
popular writings have been published in the Los Angeles Times,
USA Today, Houston Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, San Diego
Union-Tribune, Washington Post, Miami Herald, St. Louis
Post-Dispatch, Newsday, Sacramento Bee, Orange County Register,
and Chicago Sun-Times. He has appeared on ABC's "World News
Tonight," CNN's "Crossfire," Fox News, CNBC, CNN-fn, MSNBC, NPR,
PBS, CBC, BBC, and other national and international TV and radio
His column now appears Wednesdays on