must remember that the RUC kept Northern Ireland from the worst
ravages of terrorism. To sign up to this force, especially if
one was Catholic, was to offer yourself as a target to the IRA.
The IRA saw their fight against the RUC as a war. Moreover, the
effective disbanding of the RUC is an effective surrender to the
IRA. When the IRA take up guns again, there will be no effective
barrier apart from the British army. Imagine what effect the British
army swamping Northern Ireland, well trained for combat but hardly
model policemen, will have on the American friends of the IRA,
like Ted Kennedy and Pete King.
IRA has not been disbanded. Indeed, despite promises
they have not
surrendered a single gun. To an uneducated eye one would think
that the IRA were the victorious army, and the RUC the defeated
one. That is how it is. One must remember that the IRA did not
win this by force, the RUC and the British Army had successfully
penned them in; the Catholic community they claimed to protect
shunned them. The IRA won this due to threats from Clinton and
America. Every step of the way President Clinton insisted on giving
the IRA everything they wanted. British governments under both
John Major and Tony Blair knew that they would lose much of the
"influence" that they had over the world’s only superpower, and
Clinton knew that. Now we have two
ministers in the Northern Ireland government, in Health and
who have links to a private army. Imagine if the Agriculture secretary
in Texas were a Mafiosi hitman and the Attorney General was an
Aryan Nation activist; then you just about have the picture. The
American administration has forced gangsters in government upon
one of its supposed allies; this is Mr. Clinton’s proud legacy.
lowest blow is the betrayal
of the wrong but romantic moderate Unionists. These people
told their sceptical constituents that the agreement could work
for them. They were told that the "consent principle" that
no change of government was possible without the consent of the
governed was cemented in by the peace process. It is for
this reason that a narrow majority of Protestants voted despite
their fears for the Good
Friday agreement. Tony Blair promised them that Sinn Fein
would disarm before joining the government; when they refused,
he insisted that they got their cabinet seats any way. The moderate
Unionists, such as the leader David
Trimble and his ally Ken
Maginnis, are now politically dead. They risked everything
on the word of Messrs Blair and Clinton, and they
were betrayed. Of course their
political careers should end now: in trusting the British
and American governments, and persuading their people to do the
same, they have showed an immense lack of judgment. Nevertheless,
I will not be the only one who regrets their failure, for they
were decent and honest men who wanted peace and an end to sectarian
bitterness. In Tony Blair’s phrase, they were prepared to shut
their eyes and jump into the unknown, unknown only to them.
peace process has potentially fatal consequences for the state
of democracy in England itself. The promises on IRA guns, RUC
disarmament and terrorist ministers have all been broken. The
very issue of the government of Ulster lies as a future betrayal.
The one thing that the people of Ulster do not want is to be subsumed
into an Irish morass but that is what they will get. This sends
a message loud and clear to any other political extremists who
have no hope at the ballot box. Racists just need to bomb a few
mosques and synagogues and the British government will wring its
hands, condemn the violence and sit down with the scum. Violence
is more politically profitable than informed dissent. A Government
so contemptuous of its opponents really should not send this message
Unionism as we commonly understand it is probably dead. In that
the Protestants desired a continued Union of Northern Ireland
with Great Britain, this passion is dead. The British, it is clear,
are not that interested in the continued union; they have "no
selfish or strategic interest" in Northern Ireland. The British,
at least the British elite, cannot be trusted. The Irish however
are worse. The history of the Republic of Ireland is atrocious
in regards to minority
rights; and it was to all intents and purposes a third world
country in living memory. The Irish improvement relies on two
worryingly temporary factors, the new social liberalism and European
largesse. Firstly there is the mood of liberalism that has swept
Ireland in the last generation that has made Ireland a startlingly
different place from before in less than two decades. There is
no guarantee that this will continue, indeed in many ways it is
destroying much of what makes Ireland unique and there is no guarantee
that the Irish will wish to become a farming suburb of England.
The other factor, which unlike the social liberalism is guaranteed
to end soon, is the beneficence
of the European Union. For every dollar sent to the EU seven
goes back to Ireland, for the UK the figure is fifty cents.
With the expansion to Eastern Europe, with their larger agricultural
sectors and social problems, this is bound to fail, as there will
be more agriculture to engineering and service companies.
you can’t trust the British (especially with the Americans breathing
down their necks) and the Irish state is unacceptable, what is
Ulster to do? The only answer in the long run is independence.
Semidetached Union is an open invitation to the Irish – "If you
can be federated within Britain, why not with us?" (The answer
– for the same reason you left the commonwealth is not allowed).
Similarly full integration with Britain is not an option, not
when Scotland and Wales are semidetached. An independent Ulster
is now possible, with a British security guarantee (probably in
return for stringent civil rights legislation for Catholics –
this reduces the Irish interest in the province). Of course this
is not a political option yet, because no one dares talk about
it, including the leaders of the Unionists. This is up to the
unionists; they need the imagination to take independence from
the fringe, where nutty paramilitaries and British Israelites
espouse it. But it also needs the support from Britain and the
United States, Britain to see this as a way
to get rid of a liability without developing a reputation
as a soft touch for terrorists. America needs to actually get
out of an area where there is no American interest, apart from
the gratification of the IRA loving Kennedy clan.
Clinton must accept that his legacy will never involve anything
other than misplaced cigars and flattened African pill factories.
To try and expunge his perjury and murder he is forcing the British
to betray some of their most loyal subjects to terrorists; it
is no excuse that some of the British seem quite capable of betrayal
by themselves. Like Kosovo and Iraq it sums up this terrorist
of a President. What a little man.