May 22, 2003
the Nature of Meaning (and Union Jack Tee-Shirts)
It Was
is Christopher Caldwell? No doubt Google would tell me some sort
of truth about the man, but is there world enough and time to be
bothered? He's something to do with that gaggle of charmers over
at Mr Murdoch's Weekly Standard, I know that much, but nothing
else. I don't know where in Canada he's from, or even if
cripes! he might actually be an American conservative writing
for a conservative American magazine. As to what sort of
conservative, whom he hates, whom he likes, who likes him, who loathes
him, where he lives, what toothpaste he uses, I know nothing.
Throw in anything you like: hair colour, approximate weight, star
sign, table manners, accent, cufflinks or not? I just don't know.
For pity's sake (I must have misplaced my Paleo-Observer's Book
of Columnar Religiosity), I don't even know what religion the
fellow is. Ignorance: that's the only word for it. And what does
my unsullied view of this cove look like, now that I've read him
in our own dear Financial Times? Not hot.
were I to employ the trope that runs, "X said Y, X is a [blank],
therefore all [blank] think Y", well, I should apply to be
Goldberg's intern. So from the opinions of Mr Caldwell I'm not
going to extrapolate anything about anyone, not even him. I'm just
going to try and see (and forgive me for all the girly-boy qualifications)
how it is that some people don't think, for instance, that
it's desperately plausible that, for example, some Muslims
aren't exactly British, despite, on paper, by birth, and so on,
being just that. The gist of Mr
Caldwell's article in the FT was that the two recent
British (or 'British') suicide
bombers in Israel weren't really seen as being British. 'By
whom?' is a big question in this context, and understandably skated
over by Mr Caldwell. He, after establishing this allegedly widespread
perceptual dissonance, then suggests that 'treason' may, as a result,
be on the way back as a viable concept in the soft, Anglophone West.
At least I assume that's where he's predicting, 'Treason
the new black', as it's hard to think of any other part of the globe
where treason ever went out of conceptual fashion.
what it's worth, it never really surprises me when Britons plant
bombs and blow people up it is after all a pastime long enjoyed
in Northern Ireland. Which is part of the United Kingdom, so (and
follow the logic here), a fair old chunk of the people doing this
are bound to have been whether they wanted to be or not British.
In other words, planting a bomb doesn't suddenly cause you to stop
being British. Not in the way that, oh, genuine, unfeigned pleasure
at American 'football', German 'pop' or French 'success' would instantly
deBritify one (were one British). But I'm being disingenuous here
because I can't really see how, other than true treason, if one
is British, one can magically 'stop' being British merely by cultural
effluvia. By that I mean stuff like, say, murdering foreigners,
or engaging in child rape, or selling poisoned milk to the third
world, or being sarcastic to disabled animals, or basically by doing
anything underhand or generally unBritish. For being British isn't
a state of mind, it's a state of being.
British is a state conferred upon one by being subject to the British
state it's honestly that simple. There's no mystical compact involved
in this individual-to-the-state relationship. We don't delude ourselves
with any social contract-like rubbish the way so many unfortunate,
paper constitution-bound republics abroad do (naming no names, cough,
France, cough, America). You're not British because, somehow,
you've signed up, or otherwise transcendentally assented to, some
national or republican or whatever 'values'. Or because you're the
descendants of clear-eyed patriots who centuries hence did, or because
God's made you that way. You're British because you're British because
you're British. It doesn't ask anything value-based of you, and
you don't expect anything from it.
far the best thing about this minimalist attitude towards understanding
nationality is that it's the only one that's in any way honest or
accurate. For whatever 'values' any of the other systems or belief-structures
impute to the possession of a rival nationality, they never end
up quite working that way, do they? Whatever values are, or were,
supposedly inherent in being post-revolutionary French, or post-independence
American, or post-anything Russian, German, Chinese and etcetera,
the crucial thing is: they turn out not to exist. The fact
remains, in each any every instance, that all the citizens designated
by the nationalities cited above remain subject to their eponymous
states, but the claimed virtues that go along with that status aren't
quite so immutable. Historically, by disavowing any notion that
being British has a cultural as opposed to a merely legal import,
the theory has been proven to be a good one. Good in this sense
means that it has been successfully i.e. without difficulty
applied to a staggeringly wide range of actual-factual, living
breathing people. It's a
theory I think we should stick with, but it's one that some
people, in pursuit of the enemy without and within, wish to dispense
with. As ever, the consequences of rational theorising will not
be happy if our government attempts it.
Think Differently Than Christopher Caldwell
two British Muslims, one born here, one subsequently having acquired
British citizenship after being born in Pakistan, set off for Israel
with the intention of becoming Palestinian martyrs, Christopher
Caldwell believes that a quasi-religious transformation occurred.
At some point the commission of the act? the possession of
the intention to become a suicide bomber? this journey rendered
them less than British. What they should be regarded as having thereafter
become (stateless? non-national? Palestinian? Islamofascistic? dead?)
is left unsaid, but that even their victims didn't regard them as
being 'British' is Mr Caldwell's key insight: 'what excludes [them]
from many people's classification as "real" Britons is,
of course, that they stood against Britain, repudiated the west
and worked towards its destruction'. At this point we could be callous
and observe that blowing up foreigners abroad does not, in and of
itself, amount to an assault on Britain, a repudiation of 'the West',
let alone being the trigger of its destruction. That, however, would
amount to moral nit-picking.
in the way of criticism of the idea that, terrorism overseas negates
Britishness, is of course painfully easy to come by. Britons, now
and in the past, have travelled to every continent to murder people
for politics, pleasure, or an admixture of both as circumstances
will allow. This, sadly perhaps, didn't stop them from being British.
Any more, I regret to say, than those foreigners, notably Americans,
but also obviously citizens of the Irish Republic, who backed violent
Irish republicanism, have had their nationality Tippexed because
of this support for, or participation in, terrorism within Britain.
Clearly there is an argumentative gear-shift at work here. That,
one would have to guess, after the climacteric of 11th
September, terrorism has been re-evaluated as the mortal sin of
the age, with appropriately comprehensive punishment now entailed.
Yet as the rest of the world knows of the moral vanity claimed for
9/11: terrorism was terrorism before it hit America too, and it
remains just as much what it always was. There isn't a 'new' terrorism,
requiring new moral poses towards its victims, there's just the
hateful, evil habit there always was. It's simply that it now has
a wider net of victims.
a Christopher Caldwell claims, apropos the happily deceased Messrs.
Sharif and Hanif, 'with British nationals taking up arms against
their own country, those radicals who stay in Britain and cheer
them on look more alarming', this isn't, unfortunately, the practical,
sensible, precautionary observation it at first seems. From the
lie that either of these wicked men took up arms against their
country (this, whatever their nationality is finally deemed to be,
is precisely what they did not do), it's an assertion as to what
one particular stripe of foreign terrorism amounts to, to us.
That is to say, Mr Caldwell is a believer in the idea that Islamicist
terrorism, even when practised abroad, is still sufficient enough
of a threat to the UK, that it should be treated much as if its
bombs were going off here. These arguments are telling exactly because
they are still not made about other sorts of terrorism. It is quite
possible to explode a bomb in pursuit of Basque separatism, Irish
nationalism, Colombian narco-oligarchy, Tamil supremacy, or indeed
any of the 'old', pre-9/11 sources of terror, without being designated
the terminal threat to Western civilisation that explosives allied
to the Muslim faith causes.
imagine that Christopher Caldwell is being sincere when he worries
that the necessity of having to accuse some British (or 'British')
Muslims with treason, may well be a bad thing as it could 'retard
their integration'. Albeit, 'a good case can be made that such [loyalty-based]
laws will in fact hasten it'. This brings us right up against the
problem with his rhetorical super-weapon: the rebirth of treason,
for treason to whom? (or as Mr Caldwell would wrongly see it, treason
to what?) What trust, placed in who by whom, is to be considered
betrayed by these new treason charges?
upon a time, when Britain was an honest-to-God confessional state,
this would have been a cake-walk to answer: for treason could be
discerned by catching out those not adhering to the uniformity the
state required of its subjects. Catholics, Jews, atheists, no, not
editorial conference at National Review, but the kind of
folk you didn't want to be in Britain before we started our retreat
from a culture of treason in the nineteenth century. To start up
such a culture again, what would inescapably be required is a new
uniform, state-imposed ideal of the subject. The government would
have to say, 'here is what a Briton should be like, don't let us
catch you not being this way!' Christopher Caldwell might trust
a contemporary, democratic government to define such a Briton: I
Bombing Is Wrong
is a much simpler reason why British Islamic terrorists aren't seen
as being particularly British by some foreigners, and that's casual
racism by the foreigners concerned. I'm not making this accusation
of Mr Caldwell, nor of his nameless 'Israeli officials' who draw
this distinction between 'real' and 'unreal' Britons. It's perfectly
natural, not least because the Muslims concerned may very well have
put themselves beyond any notion of being British (a petty distraction
compared to the divine commonwealth of Islam). Yet that's the thing:
the murderous pair in question may, or may not, have considered
themselves to be British; they might, or might not, be considered
to be British by foreigners (or, come to that, by fellow Britons),
but it changes nothing. They are, or rather, were British. A dishonesty
hedges round Mr Caldwell's entire article in its hopes for Muslims
resident in the West, and is frankly confused in its conclusion:
long as law-abiding Muslims appear "unreal" to non-Muslim
fellow citizens, they will be the beneficiaries of a legal regime
that replaces criteria of ethnic belonging with those of citizen
loyalty that are blind to race and religion.'
Christopher Caldwell's claim that our Muslims appear 'unreal',
as fellow countrymen, to most of us but even were this a majority
opinion, which it isn't, it still wouldn't be accurate. Muslims
who are British stay British even if there are people about who
think Muslims by definition can't be British (this belief, incidentally,
has achieved almost the status of one of those things we don't have
a British value). Beyond that it's an incomprehensible ending:
as long as good Muslims still seem like fake Britons (how? why?)
to real Britons, then . . . they'll ('the law-abiding Muslims')
benefit from, uh, what? To begin with, what on earth is the problem
with, er, 'good' Muslims 'benefiting' from anything? But as to what
this thing is that I think Mr Caldwell wishes that they weren't
benefiting from, it's his desire that nationality (or more precisely,
state-citizenship) should be determined, and presumably retained,
by individual adherence to race and religious free values, not by
just having got your Britishness with a slip of paper, be it birth
certificate or naturalisation form.
can't make sense of what it is that Christopher Caldwell says he
wants for Muslims, whether ours or other people's, but I sense that
he thinks militant Islam has put at least some of our Muslims outwith
what it can legitimately be said to mean to be British. This represents
not his problem with militant Islam, but his problem with what being
British can mean. Being British can mean being bad. This animus
against 'Islamofascists' is in fact a utopian desire to expel evil
from our Eden. It's unrealistic, and God help me for thinking it,
that and not vague, incoherent dislike of manifestations
of Islam is what makes it so typically neo-conservative.
Christopher Montgomery
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