July 23, 2001
Fascist Goes Bigtime
the scene. The premier right wing party in one of the nuclear powers
is about to be taken over by a former fascist. The world would rise
and condemn this "post-fascist" scoundrel, and the party
he wished to lead. After all, they went bonkers when tiny Austria
was about to let a man whose parents had belonged to the Nazi party
become the junior member of the coalition. Alternatively, not so
tiny Italy with the ex-fascist "National Alliance" and
the anti-immigration Northern League. So what does the outside world
do? They ignore it. And left-liberal opinion in the country? It
welcomes it.
is the stark truth of Britain today: Ken Clarke, the liberal establishment's
favourite candidate was once a fervent admirer of the British fascist
leader Oswald Mosley and led a purge of Jews in his local Conservative
Party. The point is, nobody notices.
is how it happened: Ken Clarke was a bright scholarship boy with
an interest in history whose father was a small businessman. He
got to Cambridge and, interested in politics, he naturally gravitated
towards the Conservatives. At that time – and no one has ever worked
out why – he became fascinated with fascism, and particularly Sir
Oswald Mosley the washed up leader of the "Union Movement."
His preoccupation came clear when he – for a period of eight weeks
– became the chairman of the Cambridge University Conservative
Association. In this short time he invited Oswald Mosley to speak
at the University, not just once but twice. Once in two months could
be seen as interest, twice is downright infatuation. This led to
a kerfuffle, with Jewish students, including the future Home Secretary
Michael Howard, taking umbrage. Many threatened to leave if Mosley
was invited a second time. Whether Clarke shared Mosley's anti-Semitism
at the time is unclear, but he had no problem with a "Jew free"
Conservative Association. In other words, it was a purge.
is certain that Ken Clarke does not now share the anti-Semitism
of Oswald Mosley, if he ever did. He is also as socially liberal
as is the norm in the British establishment (although, unbelievably,
he is less socially liberal than his Old Right opponent Iain Duncan
Smith). Mosley's Corporatism is very much toned down by Clarke.
There is a grain of continuity, and that is Europe. Mosley was a
fanatical Euro-federalist. His post-war organisation, the "Union
Movement," was named for European Union. His theoretical journal
was known as "The European." He campaigned on the slogan
of "Europe a Nation." In the 1975 EEC referendum campaign,
he added his support to those in favour of the EEC. Of course, no
matter how much proof the pro-Europeans are given of the fascist
antecedents of their ideas, they are loath to accept them. Strange,
cannot talk about Sir Oswald Mosley and Europe, without looking
at his son, the Motor racing tycoon, Max. Max, astoundingly, wanted
to be a Conservative MP. This was despite his youthful devotion
to his father and his father's cause. For years, he was a Conservative
activist, but never became a Conservative MP. Recently, he moved
to Labour, becoming a member of their major donor's "Thousand
Club." That New Labour will accept fascist money and support
is perhaps no surprise, and neither is Max's reasons for defection.
It seems that the Tories were not pro-European enough.
course, Clarke's devotion to "Europe a nation" is equally
long and faithful. As a new MP in 1972, he spoke out in favour of
the EEC, looking forward to a European army and currency. He was
a major part of the pro-European Cabinet putsch that ended Margaret
Thatcher's premiership. In the Major government in the 1990s, he
threatened to break the Government on the issue of Europe by pulling
out. He refused to serve on the front bench of the Conservative
Party in opposition, because of its mild Euro-scepticism. Nowadays
he says that Europe plays a small part in his politics. Doubtless,
he would deny that Oswald Mosley was his youthful hero. It seems
our Ken has a problem with either his memory or the truth. Whatever
it is, do not expect the establishment media, of either the left
or the right, to ask too many questions. After all, Ken stands for
their vision of Europe, and nothing – even a stint in the Blackshirts
– can get in the way of that.