why can’t the Protestants seek some sort of compromise? Why
can’t they go into a United Ireland that will recognise their
diversity? Because their relatives did it before and they have
no wish to repeat that mistake. When Southern Ireland gained Home
Rule in 1923 Protestants and Jews made up 18% of her population
– now they make up less than 4%. This ethnic
cleansing was accomplished in many ways. The official recognition
of the Catholic Church as the only religion of the state meant
that Protestants often found the state system schooling their
children as Catholics (this happened as recently as ten years
ago to a Jewish friend in Dublin). Ostracism against those who
were different was popular in the small rural communities that
made up most of Ireland – the very word "boycott"
arose from the successful ostracism of a Protestant by his Irish
Catholic neighbours. The state control of the corporatist Irish
economy meant that many Protestants who did not own land or businesses
could only make a living abroad. Protestant organisations, even
Boys Brigades, were harassed and banned. The very idea that you
could be Irish and not Catholic was thought laughable. The economic
performance of Ireland turned a respectably poor province
into a pauper, although recently the EU has subsidised an Irish
resurgence so much that it is now overheating (for every
Irish pound paid in they get seven back, for every British pound
they get fifty pence). All of this under a leader, Eamon
de Valera, who ordered the Irish tricolour to be flown at
half-mast when his hero Hitler died. Protestant Irishmen can now
only be found in the Republic in the big cities, the mansions
of the country gentry, close to the border with Northern Ireland
or in a few huddled and isolated communities on the coast. In
some Catholic majority areas in Northern
Ireland the same is happening with the connivance of the Authorities.
The people of Ulster watched and saw their worst fears confirmed,
on their own friends and relatives.
idea that this prejudice is in the past should be dispelled at
once. You may see the Orange
Order, and see their parades on television with their bowler
hats, white gloves, orange sashes, flutes, drums, accordions and
banners to a four
centuries dead homosexual Dutch king. And you will often see
the other traditional accompaniment, the screaming, bigoted, terrorist-directed
Groups" who are determined that no Protestant should
ever go past their door to church. What you will not be told is
that this quaint Orange Order is a church-based movement that
is one of the mainstays of the charitable sector in Northern Ireland.
Sectarian it definitely is, in the same way that the organised
Catholic Church is, and in the end it has the same lack of menace
to all but the most paranoid. In a nation that encourages gay
rights parades through staunchly working class areas with barely
a flicker of protest, it is somehow indecent for one religious
group to parade through the "territory" of another.
The British government is so scared of this it has even set up
a "parades
commission" to say exactly what music a parade may play
and banners it may display. Needless to say that this only applies
to Protestant church parades. Protestants know that their culture
will not survive Irish imperialism.
often surprises new observers of Northern Ireland to find out
that the people ruled themselves for fifty years. Under the terms
of Home Rule two
equal Parliaments were set up, one in the south for the Catholic
majority areas and one in the north for the Protestant majority
areas, both as part of the British commonwealth. The Southern
Parliament quickly came under the sway of the fascist influenced
extreme nationalists of Fianna Fail, and broke totally from the British
State. The North stayed loyal. This was not a total success. Gerrymandering
was employed to minimise Catholic seats in the Parliament of Ulster,
the Stormont. There was rampant discrimination
against Catholics in most good jobs. But wages, even for Catholics,
were higher than over the border, and prices were lower; and there
was no ethnic cleansing of the minority community. It all ended
in an early British concession to the Catholic population: in
1972 the Stormont Parliament was closed forever and direct
rule instituted.
dealing with the knotty issue of Northern Ireland one must always
in the end retreat into the mists of history. The one area of
Irish politics that unites both English and American is bafflement
at the immense role in which history plays. It is often said that
the problem with the English is that they can never remember their
history, while the problem with the Irish is that they can never
forget it.
common idea is that the English came over to Ireland with the
intent, or at least the effect, of destroying a fine monastic civilisation.
While it is true that the Irish did have a great civilisation,
and converted Scotland, Wales and a large swathe of England to
Christianity (although don’t ask where St. Patrick came from)
by the time the Normans started invading
in the twelfth century the Vikings had already
got there first. The Irish monastic civilisation had been destroyed
by Danes as the English monasteries almost were as well. In fact
the English imperative in invading
Ireland was not to suppress a well organised society, but
to guard against the effects of its lack of centralised authority.
You only need to look at a map of Ireland to realise that it was
a constant threat to the security of England, not in itself, but
as a base for a malevolent continental power (such as the Vikings
in the tenth century or the
French in 1798). This fear continued into the Second World
War when Churchill and Roosevelt seriously considered re-occupying
Ireland (as they occupied Iceland) as it could become a German
base and Chamberlain offered Eire the North in return for entry
into the war.
the English had Ireland, what were they to do with it? They did
what every other European country did at this time; they oppressed
the native population and tried to suppress their culture. It
is no justification of English behaviour to say that they were
unaware of human rights, but no one was. If the Irish were ruled
by the French, Spanish or Scots during this time they would have
fared worse: the idea that we must judge the events of the past
using today’s standards is appealing but wrong. Americans
who rightly point out that slavery and the dispossession of the
Indians does not deserve their personal guilt, should extend the
same principle to the British in Ireland. Where the actions of
the English were truly horrific by the standards of the time,
such as the massacres in the wake of Oliver
Cromwell’s Irish campaign, they should be seen as such.
Where the actions were merely of incompetence, like the Potato Famine,
they should also be judged on the same basis, rather than as a
holocaust. When one thinks of the only time that the Irish
were united -- when they were under British rule – it was
a time of mixed record rather than unmitigated horror, and far
better than the Prussian treatment of the Poles, to take a random
brings us to the role of the majority population in Northern Ireland,
the Protestants. Why exactly were they there? The fact is that
the people of Northern Ireland came from Scotland in the same
way as the people of North America came from Europe. They were
to move to Ireland to provide a loyal and Protestant (religion
was a matter of state
security in those days) population. The Protestant community
was spread across the whole of Ireland, but mainly concentrated
in the towns and on "plantations". The area that was
concentrated was that which was seen as the most rebellious, the
Northern third of Ireland, Ulster. This was four centuries ago,
the same time the Atlantic
seaboard was colonised. The Northern Irish, being of mainly
Scottish stock and bringing with them an amount of capital, made
the North into a prosperous area (by Irish standards). This was
especially marked with the industrial revolution
and, as is the want of relatively prosperous places, it attracted
immigration from the South, from whom the majority of the Catholic
population descends. The idea that a population deserves to be
evicted because their descendants were there after yours is a
repulsive one on its own. If applied honestly in Northern Ireland
it could even be an idea that has entirely the opposite effect
of the intentions of its Irish and American advocates.
having set the scene (in Irish matters this always takes longer
than visiting the present), one has to ask what this has to do
with today and what this has to do with America. Admittedly this
does not at first appear obvious. But one has only to look at
the actions of a descendant of Ulstermen betraying his kin, William
Jefferson Clinton and the laughably named "Peace Process," and
the picture starts to come into focus.
believes in Peace, especially in Northern Ireland. Everyone wants
an end to the terrorism, the cop killing, the church shootings
and the murder of innocent people for the church that they were
born into. The troubles are a maddening waste of good people’s
lives. But how far would it have gone if instead of standing up
to George III the colonists gave him what he was demanding and
then hoped he would calm down? Well any schoolboy knows the answer
to that. So with that fine understanding of history we go to terrorists
and tell them that they can get, well, what they demand.
what are the British doing for the IRA? Well they are breaking
up the Royal Ulster Constabulary,
the front line in the anti-terrorist resistance. Not only are
they replacing its badge and name, which is insulting but not
life threatening, but they are also encouraging the terrorists
to take roles in the successor police force. In fact the architect
of this humiliation, Chris
Patten, the European Commissioner who ordered these changes,
even recommends that police recruits should not be barred if they
only commit "minor" offences. You can’t join the
police if you have murdered a man, but you can if you have driven
the getaway car. What is even more dangerous is the massive role
that the IRA and its mirror groups of Protestant paramilitaries
play in organised crime. Kosovo, where the KLA was given police
roles over "their" communities was not the first place
this was decided, and it will not be the last. You may as well
have the Crips and the Bloods patrolling LA.
the legitimisation of local terrorist control in Northern Ireland
is not enough, the British wish to actually bring in the IRA political
front organisation, Sinn Fein, to power throughout Northern Ireland.
There are provisions for the compulsory insertion of terrorists
in the police oversight bodies. There is also the provision of
the mandatory inclusion of Sinn Fein\IRA leaders into the cabinet,
so that the democratic parties cannot get together to exclude
this bloodthirsty minority. Theoretically the IRA has to change,
but not in practice. Unlike the democratic parties and the British
and Irish governments, there is no
IRA signature on the "Good Friday Agreement" that
binds the other parties. The intimidation of "their"
communities goes on, or "housekeeping" as the British
government calls it. The IRA have also refused to give up the
guns either metaphorically – they have a cease-fire
not a renunciation of violence – or physically: not a single
bullet has been surrendered despite numerous promises. As
the leader of Sinn Fein\IRA, Gerry
Adams, boasts "We [the IRA] haven’t gone away, you
this is a British problem? Well, not entirely. Although the British
political elite wishes Northern Ireland would just go away, and
even in the Conservative Party ideological Unionists are in a
minority, it still saw the danger to Britain of allowing a terrorist
group to override the wishes of the majority. If it works for
the IRA, why not racists, would-be revolutionaries or even militant
vegetarians? The message is obvious – the majority may not
want your program, but with the judicious use of bomb and gun
you can get the policies you wish for. Even if embarked on this
process the British government would have lost patience with the
IRA by now, whether abandoning the process or forcing the IRA
to cripple its military arm. So who is the saviour of this criminal
gang? W.J. Clinton.
use of a number of bullying
methods in trade and diplomacy to force the British to sell
out the Protestant majority is motivated by a simple calculation:
descendants of Irish Catholic in America sometimes vote together
and descendants of Ulstermen
(or Scotch-Irish) think of themselves purely as American. The
Irish lobby is either too chauvinist to see that there may be
two sides in a conflict, or like NORAID or the
Irish-American Caucus, malevolently complicit in the terrorism.
The role of the Kennedy’s, from drug-runnin’ Joe in
the 1940s to the recent
ambassador to Ireland, has been particularly vile. The fact
that most Americans of Irish Catholic descent only think of the
myths told by their grandparents is sad but understandable. It
is the minority who act on it by voting for IRA
friendly congressmen or even give money to NORAID, who
should at least try to learn about the lives that they are blighting.
And the American people should let their government know that
it has no role in running the affairs of another country, let
alone in trying to bring terrorists to power.