the Iraqi tyranny, the US has demonstrated that the entire globe
is now subject to American dictatorship. Not bothering to obtain
even a disguise of international legitimacy from the Security
Council, the two dozens of neoconservative men who are running
our planet (for the sake of the weapon and oil industry) send
hundreds of thousands of troops, and spend tens of billions of
dollars, to liberate the Iraqis and their oil wells from their
dictator, subjecting the beaten survivors to the visible hand
of looting thugs, preparing the hearts for the invisible fist
of Cola-Cola and McDonald's.
– a beloved ally, challenging Britain for the title of the superpower's
closest friend – has had great expectations from this war. Not
that it was Israel's war – its favourite targets were rather Syria
and Iran. Nevertheless: the Israeli junta – PM Sharon, DM Mofaz,
Chief-of-Staff Ya'alon and their aides – were waiting for it eagerly.
high priests in the cult of Militarism – Israel's secular religion
– the country's leaders love wars. Every war serves as a proof
for the hegemonic militaristic ideology, which considers force
to be the best solution to every problem; "and if force doesn't
do the job," the Israeli slogan goes, "apply more force".
In the words of Minister of Construction and Housing Affe Eitam
(a former General, leader of the National Orthodox party), "there
is nothing more thrilling than the sight of men going to war"
(Ha'aretz, 22.3.2002). So a war is always welcome, especially
against a neighbouring Arab country.
so far the War on Iraq has been much of a disappointment for the
junta. It was counting on this war on several fronts; but most
of its expectations have proved wrong.
Operative Front
War was supposed to give the Israeli army an opportunity to show
its power, to try its new toys and to restore its prestige, damaged
by the daily routine of dirty occupation. On the eve of war, Israel's
leaders were bargaining the terms of the country's military retaliation:
doves (or hawks?) said an unconventional Iraqi attack should draw
an "unprecedented" (atomic?) Israeli reaction, hawks
(or doves?) insisted that an Iraqi attack of any kind should elicit
an "unforgettable" Israeli blow.
Iraq kept its own word and did not attack – not "once the
war starts", as we were promised at first, not "once
coalition forces get to Baghdad", as we were told later,
not even "once Saddam feels the wall at his back", as
we were warned by desperate military "experts" just
a couple of days ago. Junta members still insist that there are
some "unsecured zones" in Western Iraq from where a
hoped-for missile might be fired, but they probably don't believe
their own words. To its great disappointment, the Israeli army
was left unemployed.
Palestinian Front
the Palestinian front, mass deportation should have taken place
if circumstances had allowed it: e.g. an Iraqi and/or large-scale
Palestinian terror attack, chaos in the Middle East, collapse
of neighbouring regimes etc. Again, all this did not happen. The
Israeli army did exploit the war for a general rehearsal (2.4.2003),
putting all men aged 15 to 40 of the Tul Karm refugee camp – about
2.000 in number – on trucks, just like during the mass deportations
of 1948 and 1967, and moving them "temporarily" to another
refugee camp. One aim was probably to examine the reactions of
Palestinians, Israelis and the world – they all remained silent,
or politely concerned. But conditions for mass deportation out
of Greater Israel (a platform objective of one of Israel's coalition
parties) have not materialised. Yet. Another disappointment for
the junta. So we are back to business as usual: assassinations
with major deadly "collateral damage", closure, siege,
expanding settlements and so on.
Home Front
the internal front, the army tried to strengthen its hold on the
Israeli citizens – those "five million disobedient soldiers",
as former Israeli Army Spokesmen (and now "journalist")
Oded Ben-Ami once called us all. As far as preparations for the
War are concerned, the Israeli army had managed to grab responsibility
(meaning: budget, manpower, prestige) for Israel's civilian population
as well, in spite of several professional recommendations to give
this authority to some kind of police. It is the army that gives
gas-masks to the civilian population, it is the army that sets
the alarm level, it the army that tells the civilians what to
before and during the War, Israeli citizens have constantly been
given all kinds of lunatic orders, as if it were Israel, not Iraq
that was about to be returned to the Stone Age: "Purchase
12 litre of mineral water per person", "Prepare a battery-run
radio", "Prepare a room for sealing", "Seal
a room", "Open gas masks", "Carry gas masks
with you" and so on. To increase suspense, some of these
orders were announced gradually: "in a few hours the army
will decide whether civilians should…", manipulatively making
the population listen to the Master's Voice all the time. Since
the chances for an Iraqi attack were unanimously estimated by
all experts (including junta members) as "almost zero",
one cannot fail to see the intention to create mass panic and
to curtail democratic freedom.
that the Israeli army has spent some $2 billion on a supposedly
hermetic anti-missile defence system, in addition to the Israeli,
American and German "Patriot" missiles employed all
over the country. The insistence on turning the civilians into
gas-masked pawns thus has a financial motivation (multiply the
price of a gas-mask by 5 million citizens to get an idea) as well
as a political-psychological objective, but it also reflects the
army's mistrust towards its own anti-missile protection measures.
the same line, the army prepared operational plans to take over
all television and radio channels (including all local and foreign
satellite and cable TV stations, from BBC World to Fox News) in
case of emergency, practically cutting Israel from the outside
world for as long as the army general in charge finds necessary.
Using the new American euphemism, all Israeli citizens were to
be "embedded"; in fact, it often looks like the army
is eager to extend the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza to
Israel itself.
disappointment on this front as well. Most Israelis pretty soon
ignored army orders to carry gas masks everywhere (the order is
still in force, by the way). Ironically, the only Israeli fatalities
in this war were a mother and two children suffocated to death
while sleeping in a sealed room. Quite a few children and adults
were treated in hospital for unintentional use of atropine injections.
Recall that during the first Gulf War, the 39 missiles fired at
Israel caused just one casualty, but several people were choked
to death in their gas-masks. The conclusion is inevitable: the
army's instructions, both during the former Gulf War and definitely
during this one, inflicted more Israeli casualties than Saddam
on top of all that, just a few days ago the Supreme Court ruled
against the army's plan to take over the media in emergency.
and Frustration
in addition to its painful disillusionment, the War on Iraq left
Israel's junta rather ridiculed. One junta member, former Minister
(and former General) Ephraim Sneh (Labour), once praised the Israeli
army as "the strongest military power between the Caspian
Sea and Gibraltar". For all that military might, Israeli
citizens are anything but secure. In fact, Israel probably sets
a historic record in the disproportion between military might
and actual security. The War on Iraq exposed once more the absurdities
of Israeli militarism: billions of dollars were invested against
a threat that did not materialise (and probably did not even exist),
but the sense of insecurity has been intentionally nurtured even
Israeli army must now feel deeply frustrated. One wonders where
this dangerous sense of frustration will lead.
Ran HaCohen
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