had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I read
the news that State
Department officials will meet with Chechen "ambassador"
Ilias Akhmadov. For years, the Chechens have been
kidnapping, murdering, and looting their way across the
steppes of Central Asia, carrying out a bombing campaign
in major Russian cities, and launching Islamic insurgencies
throughout the region. They take great pride in beheading
their enemies and displaying the severed organs as trophies
of their military prowess and as a warning to Christian
missionaries, who are their special
targets. Russian policemen recently defused an explosive
device with 10kg of TNT in
the basement of a secondary school in the Urus-Martan
district of Chechnya. The stated goal of the separatists
is to establish an Islamic state based on the model of
the Taliban in Afghanistan, and they are doing it with
the aid of the man the US holds responsible for the bombing
of the USS Cole and practically all major anti-Western
terrorist incidents in the Middle East: Osama
bin Laden. But according to State Department spokesman
Richard Boucher, there is nothing at all unusual in the
meeting of Team Bush with this "ambassador" of a terrorist
gang. "We've had meetings with a variety of people," he
said. "I don't see anything unusual or upsetting in it."
a sense, he's right. The US whose Draconian sanctions
are responsible for the deaths of 5,000 Iraqi children
per month is itself the biggest terrorist nation
on earth. It's only natural that the creators and chief
sponsors of the Kosovo "Liberation" Army would want to
link up with the KLA's Muslim brothers in the former Soviet
Union. "We've made quite clear that while we accept Chechnya
as part of Russia," averred Boucher, "they [the Russians]
need to take steps to bring the violence to an end. There's
no military solution to the problem. Both sides need to
find ways to begin a dialogue and reach a political settlement."
Notice how it is always other countries that need
to realize that "there's no military solution to the problem"
but never the US. Why didn't the Americans take
their own advice in Kosovo, Iraq, and Somalia?
always the same story: if the Russians are fighting Chechen
terrorism within Russia, they need to start a "dialogue."
If the Serbs resist the dissolution of their country,
they are genocidal neo-Nazis and ethnic cleansers. If
the Macedonians insist on fighting grenade-throwing Albanian
fanatics who seek to overthrow the Skopje government,
then Colin
Powell tells them that "'this is the time to show
what a multiethnic government can do, to start to look
at those points of irritation that exist within your society
[and] within the Albanian minority." According to an Associated
Press report, "In addition to constitutional changes,
[Powell] suggested that adjustments might be made to enable
Albanians to use their native language more outside the
home." The arrogance of American officials knows no bounds:
what other country would interfere so blatantly and unapologetically
in the internal affairs of another people, presuming to
dictate changes in their constitution virtually word-for-word?
Imagine the Macedonian foreign minister arriving in Washington
with the following advice: ditch the first ten amendments
to your antiquated Constitution!
the French received the Chechen "ambassador," foreign
minister Hubert Vedrine burbled benevolent-sounding bromides:
"We think that Russia has gone astray in this adventure
of the North Caucasus and that, in one way or another,
it should recognize there is a problem which goes far
beyond the question of terrorism," he said. "This Chechen
problem should be approached on a political basis." But
what about the French why don't they approach their
problem "on a political basis"? Don't they recognize
that, although the Corsican rebels have carried
out bomb attacks on civilians and each
other and are little more than bandits, in
Corsica there is a problem which goes far beyond the question
of terrorism?
greatly admire the British journalist John Laughland,
whose excellent book, The
Tainted Source, is the definitive work
on the totalitarian origins of Euro-federalist thought.
But I'm afraid that in his otherwise excellent
piece for the (UK) Spectator, Laughland gets
it wrong when he alleges a 180 degree turn in Western
policy against the Albanians and in favor
of Serbia: "The real reason for our new anti-Albanian
policy," he writes, "is that the West has succeeded in
installing a compliant regime in Belgrade." Not so fast.
If Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica is "compliant,"
then the word will have to be redefined. For here is a
man who told off Carla Del Ponte, refused to extradite
Milosevic, and denounced the West for being behind the
recent KLA-inspired insurgency in southern Serbia. What
else does he have to do in order to satisfy Mr. Laughland:
order his air force to launch an attack on NATO headquarters?
should heed his own words: "The more chaos there is in
the Balkans," he continued, "the more our compliant media
demand intervention." Here Laughland seems to switch his
perspective, and the effect is jarring: he seems to imply
that the West is behind the recent rash of Albanian terrorism
in the Balkans. This is entirely plausible as I
said in my last
column but, if so, then how to reconcile this
with his contention that a genuine switch of allegiances
has taken place? Laughland either doesn't see the contradiction,
or is content to merely imply it. In any case, he barges
right ahead, recklessly attacking the victims of NATO
aggression, the very voters who toppled old Slobo and
elevated Kostunica to the Yugoslav Presidency. He writes:
More troops for Macedonia means fewer in Kosovo: Who
can fill the gap? Now that Belgrade is back in the Western
fold, there is no reason why the Serbs should not be part
of the new "regional security structures" for which Prime
Minister Djindjic called recently in Berlin, and which
are in any case a key part of the EU's plans for a Balkan
'Stability Pact' The end-game, in other words, should
be obvious: Yugoslav troops will be back in Kosovo quicker
than you can say George Robertson and the new euro-Serbia
will become the West's favorite Ordnungsmacht [the
power which brings order] in the Balkans at
least until the next turn in Nato's wheel of fortune,
that is."
begin with, it is a fantasy to believe that the US and
its European allies will permit Yugoslav troops to set
foot inside Kosovo, even if President Kostunica were so
naïve as to agree. In any event, Kostunica is more
concerned with holding onto Montenegro: while I wouldn't
rule out the reintegration of the so-called "buffer zone"
and the reclaiming of a few monasteries, the legal fiction
that Kosovo is part of the Yugoslav federation has been
blown away by events in Macedonia. Kosovo is already
independent: not only that, its armies are on the march,
bent on the conquest of Macedonia, Montenegro, and parts
of Serbia proper. While the US and Britain may publicly
denounce this war of aggression, they aren't doing much
to stop it, either: at best, they are guilty of passive
complicity. Given their formerly intimate relations with
the KLA, however, is it really all that inconceivable
that their complicity is a bit more active?
characterizing the Yugoslav government as "compliant,"
Laughland cites the unpopular Djindjic, whose real constituency
is in Washington rather than Belgrade, but pointedly ignores
the valiant Kostunica, a principled and courageous man
who is trying to rebuild a nation shattered by NATO's
bombs. It was Kostunica who admonished the smaller countries
of Europe for giving up their sovereignty too easily.
As I noted in a
column written last year, in his
first major comments since his stunning victory, Kostunica
disdained the trend among Eastern European countries to
jump on board the NATO-EU-OSCE bandwagon. Yugoslavia,
he declared, will never become "anybody's protectorate."
Furthermore, he upbraided former European communist countries
that went unnamed who, he said, had applied for membership
in supra-national organizations "without caring much for
their independence, their own freedom in relations with
the outside world."
is "compliant"? I don't know what Laughland means by "the
new euro-Serbia," but if it means a Serbia with heat during
the winter, air-conditioning in the summer, and consumer
items commonplace in London, then I'm for it. As for the
nonsense about Serbia as "the West's favorite Ordnungsmacht"
no fancy German word is going to cover up the holes
in Laughland's theory of an Orwellian turnabout on the
part of the NATO-crats. While paying lip service to preserving
Macedonia's territorial integrity, the US, Britain, and
the other NATO powers are urging the Skopje government
to prevent war by giving in to the Albanian demands. Furthermore,
Laughland's facile characterization of Kostunica's government
underestimates the enormity of the task they face: to
dig Yugoslavia out of the ruins, while guarding their
country's integrity and independence from vicious and
powerful enemies on every side. Kostunica has so far navigated
this narrow strait with skill and without compromising
either his own integrity or that of the nation he leads.
Now he faces a March 31 deadline, imposed by the pro-Albanian
lobby in the US Congress, which is holding millions of
dollars in "aid" (i.e. just reparations) to Yugoslavia
hostage and demanding that he surrender Milosevic and
other "war criminals" indicted by the International Criminal
Tribunal. In their ongoing struggle against the NATO-crats,
Kostunica and the Yugoslav people deserve to be supported
not slandered.
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