NEWS! While
Ms. Komey's outrage may be righteous, her future as a political pundit seems cloudy,
at best: if the polls are correct, it looks like Sharon known as "the Bulldozer"
for his policy (while minister of "infrastructure") of destroying Palestinian
homes to make way for Israeli "settlements" will flatten Ehud Barak and
emerge at the head of the Israeli government at a crucial time in his nation's
history. They tell a story about Sharon's early career that helps to put his expected
election victory in perspective, and gives us an idea of what makes the incoming
Prime Minister of Israel tick: As the head of "Unit 101," the notorious terrorist
squad, Sharon and his fellow thugs were camped out on a kibbutz near the Syrian
border, having been ordered not to make a move unless provoked. One day, Sharon
ran into the headquarters, yelling "Great news! They've just killed the guard!" A
history of this man as a moral monster as the mass murderer of Palestinians
while a Haganah terrorist
in the 1950s, as the man who presided over the massacres at Shatilla
and Sabra, as the ethnic cleanser who forced the resettlement
of 160,000 Palestinians from East Jerusalem is already well-documented,
and I won't belabor the point here: Alexander
Cockburn's recent article in the New York Press, spotlighted on
last week, covers those bases quite well. In any case, the crimes of Ariel Sharon
are well-documented on the Internet, and I want to make a different though related
point about the man they are calling "Arik, King of the Jews" that his
triumph represents a growing Israeli anti-Americanism. SHARON'S
reached the apex of his military career after the Yom
Kippur War of 1973 after having been disgraced in high military and
political circles for refusing to follow orders and continually placing his soldiers
in danger for his own glory Sharon joined Menachem
Begin's Gahal
coalition, a merger of the old Herut
with the Liberal
party, and with three smaller rightist parties later merged to form the Likud
bloc. The party traces its origins back to the radical
Revisionist Zionist movement of Ze'ev
Jabotinsky, founded in 1925. In opposition to the secular and universalist
conception of a Zionist state envisioned by the Labor
left, Jabotinsky and his right-wing followers upheld a more down-to-earth philosophy
of blood and soil clearly influenced by the rise of European fascism. Jabotinsky
sang the praises of Mussolini, as did other Revisionist leaders: the Revisionist,
as one writer put it, "maintains that the state is the highest expression of a
people." THE
regarded Palestinians as "alien minorities" who, in a future Jewish state, "would
weaken national unity." Their transfer, if not accomplished voluntarily, would
"have to be achieved against the will of the country's Arab majority. An 'iron
wall' of a Jewish armed force would have to protect the process of achieving a
majority," according to the Revisionist leader. To Jabotinsky, the Palestinian
Arabs were a subhuman people who had contributed nothing to civilization: it was
up to the Zionists to "push the moral frontiers of Europe to the Euphrates," he
wrote. The ethnic cleansing of Palestine was a precondition for the success of
the Zionist project, and the difference between the Israeli right and its Laborite-socialist
utopian adversaries was that the former did not mince words or in any way shrink
from this task. While the other Zionist leaders dithered and tried to conciliate
their opponents, both in Israel and the West, Jabotinsky disdained incrementalism
and boldly maintained that the Jews had the right to take the land of Israel,
granted to them, of course, by G-d. In 1923, he summed up the Revisionist ideology
and program succinctly and presciently: "Zionism is a colonizing adventure and
therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force. It is important to
build, it is important to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important
to be able to shoot or else I am through with playing at colonization."
This is a policy that the heirs of Jabotinsky in Israel, with Sharon at their
head, intend to reaffirm. THE
merger of numerous right-wing parties under the banner of Likud, in the early
sixties, represented the culmination of a developing trend: the consolidation
of a majority program around a somewhat watered-down version of Jabotinsky's original
vision of a Greater Israel. Menachem Begin, the leader of the largest Likud component,
Herut, had been the leader of the terrorist Irgun,
an offshoot of Jabotinsky's Revisionist movement. The Irgun carried out numerous
attacks on civilians British, Jewish, and Arab in their struggle
to "liberate" Israel, planting bombs in Arab markets and other public facilities.
On July 22, 1946, they carried out their most spectacular raid when they blew
up the King David Hotel, killing ninety-one people. While the Irgun was outgunned
by the British, as Michael Palumbo, author of The
Palestinian Catastrophe: The 1948 Expulsion of a People From Their Homeland,
points out: "The
government in London, however, feared that the Americans would retaliate against
a firm anti-terrorist campaign by holding up a much-needed loan. The British army
was not allowed to use the tough tactics required to halt the Irgun and Stern
Gang. Execution of captured terrorists was rare, house searches were limited and
roundups unusual." SHARON
and his fellow post-Revisionists, Sharon among them, were determined not make
the same errors that forced the British out of Palestine. They maintained Jabotinsky's
vision of a Greater Israel sustained by military power and a strident nationalist
vision that, even today, echoes the admiration of their founder for the swaggering
authoritarianism of Il Duce. "Our forefathers did not come here in order to build
a democracy but to build a Jewish state," brayed Sharon in answer to his liberal
critics [Menachem Shalev, Forward, May 21, 1993]. The incompatibility of
Zionism and liberal democracy has long been recognized by the Palestinians and
some elements of the Israeli left. That this is now openly proclaimed by the soon-to-be
Prime Minister of the Jewish state is a development that Israel's friends in the
West did not foresee. THE
foreign policy of a Sharon government will carry out the Revisionist program of
a Greater Israel, with an accelerated program of "settlements" surrounded by Israeli
military facilities. We all remember his plan, as Begin's minister of agriculture,
to "Judaize the Galilee" driving out the Arab Israelis, whom he denounced
as "foreigners" and his scheme to colonize the Sinai. As Flore de Preneuf
pointed out
in Salon, "More
than any other politician, Sharon has been the engine behind Israel's thinly disguised
annexation policy. Whatever ministerial portfolio fell into his hands, Sharon
made sure to direct massive state funds toward building houses, roads and water
pipes that would consolidate Israel's grip in the occupied territories. Not for
nothing have Israelis nicknamed Sharon 'the bulldozer.'" FROM
it isn't just the occupied territories that will be annexed, and the inhabitants
expelled, because the rationale for a more aggressive expansionism is religious:
"In the same day the Eternal made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed
have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river
Euphrates." [Genesis 15:18] Zionists cite the Bible as the source of their view
that the actual borders of Israel must extend from the Nile to the Euphrates,
and that will be the operative principle of Israeli foreign policy under the heirs
of Jabotinsky. This presents certain problems for Israel's amen corner in the
US, which, slightly queasy at the prospect of an outright nutcake at the Israeli
helm, is now putting out the "Nixon-to-China" line, which goes something like
this: only a hardliner like Sharon could sell an agreement to the troublesome
Israeli right-wing, while still maintaining his nation's security. Besides, they
assure us, once he's in power, he'll be forced to moderate his position. Whether
this is an outright lie, or else represents wishful thinking, matters little:
it is, in any event, a crock. SEIZE
all, it isn't as if we have no knowledge of how he might act once in office: as
Israeli Foreign Minister, in 1998, days before he was scheduled to negotiate with
the Palestinians over the final status of the occupied territories, Sharon "urged
Jewish settlers to seize more land in the occupied West Bank," the BBC reported.
He declared that Israelis "should enlarge existing settlements because everything
they did not occupy would revert to Palestinian control." In a speech to one of
Israel's far-right parties, Sharon exhorted his audience to seize the time: "Everyone
should take action, should run, should grab more hills," he told the political
gathering. "We'll expand the area. Whatever is seized will be ours. Whatever isn't
seized will end up in their hands. That's the way it will be...That's what must
be done now." [BBC 11/16/98] COLLISION
is seized will be ours" this is the principle of Zionism in practice, particularly
of the Revisionist variant upheld by Israel's far-right, and it has been the underlying
premise of Israel's foreign policy since its founding in 1948. Kept in abeyance
by the political predominance of the Labor party until recently, this overriding
expansionist impulse puts Israel on a collision course with the United States,
which has every interest in averting another all-out Arab-Israeli war. An important
factor in the rise of Sharon is his often flamboyant anti-Americanism, which thrills
Israel's right-wing nationalists, who see more clearly than anyone in the US that
the interests of Israel and its chief benefactor diverge. They cheered Sharon's
letter to then-secretary of state Madeleine Albright, in which he defended
his outrageously provocative visit to the Temple Mount: "I
wish to emphasize, Mrs. Secretary, that Prime Minister Barak has already stated
very clearly that every Israeli citizen, be it Arab or Jew, has a right to visit
any place which is under Israeli sovereignty. The united city of Jerusalem, which
you are all very familiar with, as well as The Temple Mount, are under full Israeli
sovereignty. Neither I, nor any Israeli citizen, need to seek permission from
the PA or from any foreign entity to visit there or any other site which is sovereign
territory of the State of Israel." I
are you Americans to tell us what to do in our own country? A reasonable enough
question for anyone to ask except when it comes from a citizen of Israel.
Ronald Reagan, the answer is: we paid for that country! From 1949 through
October 31, 1999, American taxpayers have subsidized Israel's socialist economy
to the tune of
nearly $92 billion and, in spite of phony promises that Israel is reducing
its dependence on US aid, aid to Israel is steadily increasing if
you count the hidden subsidies. ISRAEL
any superpower-client state relationship there is bound to be a certain amount
of resentment, slowly building up over time, and in the case of the US and Israel
these tensions will have reached the breaking point with the ascension of Sharon
to power. During the campaign, he denounced Barak for accepting "the American
idea of handing over sovereignty of a large part of the Old City to the Palestinians,
offering them control of the Temple Mount, an office for Arafat and free access
without Israeli inspection!" Those evil Americans, always plotting to sell out
Israel's interests. In a
remarkable article in the Jerusalem Post [February 21, 2000], Sharon
underscored his distrust and even contempt for those unreliable Americans, who
could be counted on to "restrain" Israel in a crisis. Arguing against any sort
of formal alliance with the US as a shield against potential Arab aggression,
Sharon depicted the US as an adversary: "A
defense treaty will neither deter nor halt limited terrorist activities and minor
infringements of the law. The US will not wish to be involved in such incidents,
but will instead press Israel to show restraint. What would Israel do, for instance,
if, while bound by a treaty with the US, the Syrians one night introduced small
antitank forces into the demilitarized zone in the Golan, or if Hizbullah attacked
a northern border community, or an IDF outpost? What if there is a Hizbullah attack
within Israel, or against Jewish and Israeli targets in the Diaspora (as is already
planned)? Is Israel willing to defy the US if the superpower demands restraint,
so that it can avoid direct confrontation with the Arab countries that are becoming
its allies? Even more serious, from the moment that Israel fails to retaliate
after the first infringement because of US influence, new rules will apply that
will permit both the Syrians and the terrorist organizations to erode the Israeli
deterrent and apply constant pressure for further concessions. Jerusalem, water,
negotiations with the Palestinians, and other issues will all be pressed upon
Israel even after signing an agreement." Sharon
believes that Israel, too entangled with the US, will be defeated by the eventual
betrayal of its protector, and fears the day that "Israel would cease to be a
strategic asset and would become instead a burden, with Congress and public opinion
pointing an accusing finger at us." With his own imminent election as Prime Minister
of Israel, that day may soon be upon us. CLIENT
more than mere resentment of America was a
major theme of Sharon's campaign; "Once, when we were few and weak in military
and economic terms, we acted like an independent country," he has written. "Now
that we are many and Israel is strong, we have almost become a client state. Our
leaders receive call-up papers, telling them to report to an army base in the
US where they will have two months to reach an agreement." One could almost admire
such an independent spirit, if only it wasn't financed by American taxpayers
and the source of endless trouble from the Arab world. In any case, one can only
agree with Sharon's contention that Israel is a client state of the US, and that
this is an unsatisfactory state of affairs. There is, however, one way for this
to be resolved to the benefit of both nations, and that is to put an end to the
client state relationship between the US and Israel. This means putting an end
to military and economic aid to Israel, effective immediately after all,
we wouldn't want the Israelis to feel in the least bit "restrained." ISRAEL
can also agree with Sharon that the presence of American soldiers on Israeli soil
would create a rather inviting target for Arab terrorists, and that the American
public would never support it and so he will presumably call for the withdrawal
of the American Patriot missiles and the 69th Air Defense Brigade,
recently deployed to Israel. Glad to hear it: unfortunately, it isn't going to
happen. For Sharon is an Israel Firster: that is, he puts the interests of his
own country over and above all others, without apologies or regrets, and will
utilize US military assets if he has to. AN
that our own leaders had the gumption to put the interests of America first: but,
then, we would have to dismantle our Israel-centric policy in the Middle East,
and that the Israel Firsters in our own country will not permit. But they may
not have much choice in the matter, in view of the public relations drubbing they
have already taken in putting down the latest manifestation of the Intifada
and the public relations disaster commencing with the election of Sharon. For
this is not just another Israeli "hardliner," but a man who, if he were elected
Prime Minister of a European country, would be immediately targeted with political
sanctions and loud denunciations. Compared to Sharon, Austria Joerg Haider is
a multiculuralist. Haider,
you remember, was attacked by the international Left because his party called
for reform of Austria' s permissive immigration laws, but Sharon decries
intermarriage between Israelis and Palestinians as a genetic stain on the
Jewish "race": "While
we are not doing enough to encourage aliya,
the Palestinians have been implementing in violation of the Oslo Accords
the 'right of return.' Thousands of Palestinians, the offspring of the
1948 refugees, have returned to Galilee. Some of them married Israelis and automatically
became citizens. Nearly 10,000 Negev Beduin have married Palestinian women from
Gaza and the Hebron area, making them Israeli citizens. Tens of thousands of Palestinians
have returned from Jordan to Judea and Samaria, and this 'aliya' continues full
speed ahead. Yet nobody utters a word." DOUBLE
was called a "Nazi" for much less. Yet where is the outcry? In this age of multi-culti,
where the virtues of "diversity" and the evils of racial and religious "intolerance"
are axiomatic, the idea that inter-ethnic marriage is anything but a great boon
is sure to get one tagged as the living incarnation of Hitler yet the United
States (which made such a fuss about Haider) is silent. Haider, France's Le
Pen, and the Belgian Vlaams Blok party are denounced as "xenophobes" for defending
their national identity and cultural traditions, but a different standard is applied
to Israel. THE
fervent nationalism even extends to the matter of language. Speaking of the signing
of the Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, also known as the
Agreement or Oslo II Agreement, concluded in Taba, Egypt, on September 26,
1995, Sharon remarked: "Even the Taba signing ceremony was shameful. Arafat, proud
of his language, spoke in Arabic. Our foreign minister, a prisoner of inherent
servility, spoke English." English, to Sharon's mind, is the language of the enemy:
and, who knows but that he may be right. Forced to choose between an alliance
with the US and the dream of a Greater Israel, Sharon long ago made his choice
and so, it appears, have Israeli voters. Please
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