seems that the Liberty Lobby – a minuscule racist and anti-Semitic
organization run by the lunatic Willis Carto – has been publishing
literature in the name of an organization they call "Americans
for Buchanan" without Pat's knowledge or consent. What about
these guys, Russert wanted to know. The Anti-Defamation League
(ADL), Russert averred, has linked the Buchanan campaign to
this nutball group – so whaddaya have to say about that,
never fails. Here we are about to go to war with Serbia over
Montenegro or perhaps bomb the shit out of Iraq once again,
and this is practically the first question out of Russert's
mouth – as if PJB is somehow responsible for the moral and
political hygiene of every weirdo and wacko who invokes his
name! How many times does the Buchanan campaign have to repudiate
these people?
answer was magnificent: he cited the trenchant comment on
"my dear departed friend, the late Murray N. Rothbard" who
characterized the ADL as the advance guard of "the Smear Bund"
– as indeed they are. Furthermore, he definitively repudiated
racists and "haters," saying "we don't want you!" Is that
going to be good enough for Russert and our echo chamber media?
Of course not. They don't want to talk about the real issues
in this campaign – indeed they will do anything to avoid taking
up the essential foreign policy issues which are literally
a matter of life and death for people the world over: and
so just as Pat's last appearance on "Meet the Press" was dominated
by Russert's attempt to paint Buchanan as the second coming
of Hitler, so this one was almost like a repeat. What I want
to know is why Tim even bothered showing up in person: he
could have slept in Sunday morning. All he had to do was play
the tape of his last interview, and nobody would have known
the difference. . . .
is Pat doing this? It is a question that we hear continually
from the Bushies, and their media shills: the domesticated
"conservative" intellectuals and publicists who retail RNC
news releases instead of writing something original, and the
rank-and-file GOP activists who will swallow anything – even
Colin Powell lecturing them on the virtues of affirmative
action – so long as it's labeled "Republican." Pat addresses
them in the opening lines of his blockbuster speech:
years, my friends, we have all heard that familiar taunt:
"Don't worry about them; they have nowhere else to go." Well,
guess what? We have somewhere else to go. At long last, we
have a home of our own. As for those homeless conservatives,
who were locked up in the basement at the big Bush Family
Reunion in Philadelphia, all I can say is: ‘Folks, come on
over; there is plenty of room in Reform.'"
beyond the range-of-the-moment, beyond November, Buchanan
is fighting to preserve the conservative movement as an organized
political force. The Republican Party, for its part, would
just as soon celebrate the extinction of conservatism as an
effective force on the national stage, bury it in the wave
of political correctness and pandering that promises to dominate
American politics in the new millennium. After all, the role
of the Right in the GOP has always been to lick the envelopes,
do the precinct work, get out the troops – and shut up until
after Election Day. Buchanan's great achievement is to end
this charade – for good.
again will we have to stand by and just take what is handed
to us by the mandarins of "moderation." Never again will we
have to work our fingers to the bone for the sake of party
"leaders" who take our loyalty for granted. Never again will
we have to swallow hard, and pull the lever for the lesser
of the two evils. Buchanan is building a national party –
a new home for conservatives and all those who will not give
up our old Republic without a fight.
is a party that is solid at its base, sound in its basic ideology,
and clear on the nature of its tasks and the strategy required
to achieve its goals. The people I met in Long Beach were
and are some of the finest, most dedicated activists I have
met in more than 20 years of activism. I was continually amazed
at their receptivity to the ideas we have been fighting for
since the birth of this website more than a year ago: here,
foreign policy issues are front and center. As the speakers
held forth from the podium, the biggest cheers from this crowd
were provoked by condemnations of the New World Order, foreign
intervention, and the globalist agenda of our regnant elites.
In his acceptance speech, Pat called for the withdrawal of
our troops from Europe and Asia, from Kosovo to Okinawa:
about the arrogance of power. George III could not have said
it better. Friends, I am ashamed to say it, but we have begun
to behave like the haughty British empire our fathers rose
up against and threw out of this country. That, then, is what
our party, our campaign, and our cause are all about. We are
Americans who say with our fathers: To hell with empire; we
want our country back. . . .
I am called many names. Isolationist is one of the sweeter
ones. But the truth is: We are not isolationists. We do not
want to isolate America from the world. We Americans come
from all countries and continents, and want to trade with
and travel with all countries, and have commercial, cultural,
and diplomatic contact with every nation on earth. But we
will no longer squander the blood of our soldiers fighting
other countries' wars or the wealth of our people paying other
countries' bills. The Cold War is over; it is time to bring
America's troops home to the United States where they belong
-- and end foreign aid. And when I step out on that inaugural
stand to take the oath -- when my hand goes up, their New
World Order comes crashing down."
crowd went absolutely wild! People stood on their chairs and
cheered their lungs out, waving placards, and then – erupting
from the depth their deepest desires, like a subterranean
stream bursting through to the surface – the cry went up:
them home! Bring them home! Bring them home!"
troops, the commitments, the billions in "foreign aid" and
bribes – bring them home! Bring them home! The crowd roared,
as one, and Pat himself, up there on the podium, took up the
chant that rose to the ceiling like a prayer, an invocation
before God and man:
them home!"
was a Buchanan moment, a Reform Party moment – a moment that
will be remembered, when the history of this election and
this era is written, as a turning point not only for conservatives
but for all Americans. This week, emerging from a long and
bloody struggle, a movement was born. We are not to be stopped
by the Tim Russerts, the pontificating pundits, the Smear
Bund,or the mandarins of both "major" parties – and this
is Buchanan's great achievement.
previous dispatches from the Reform Party convention
it to CNN
or Barbarism
Foster for Veep; Halloween in August
Beach – My Battleground
8/10/00 PM
Buchanan in Long Beach: The Inside Story