Mother Jones magazine asked me to contribute an article
on the present state of the movement against the Iraq war
– and what to do about it – I was delighted to comply. After
all, I've been inveighing against the sad state of the antiwar
movement for years, and here was my chance to reach honest
liberals and leftists with my critique. And I think I did
a pretty good job of it. But see what you think.
getting into the home stretch of my new book, tentatively
titled The Terror Enigma, out from Verso Books next
year, and so I'm glad for the opportunity to turn you loose
on this
little essay. Enjoy.
I also note that my Mother Jones piece is paired with
from Geov Parrish, who is in our spotlight today. Geov
gives a perspective on the antiwar movement from the Left.
Dept. of 'I told you so' (Part I): The sniper shootings
in Maryland, it turns out, are almost certainly not
the work of Islamic terrorists, but of a home-grown nut, as
I averred in
a recent column. This morning [October 21] we learn the
sniper is demanding money. Unless this is Al Qaeda's latest
fundraising technique, I guess this rules out the foreign
terrorist scenario. But are the pundits
who jumped
on this as almost certainly a manifestation of Islamic terrorism
backtracking, or even admitting they
might have been wrong? Not on your life….
Dept of 'I told you so' (Part II): In yet
another recent column, I opined that the revelation by
North Korea that Pyongyang is gong nuclear would put the Bush
administration's war plans in the Middle East on hold:
White House doesn't want to go down in history as the administration
that presided over the vaporization of Tokyo and large segments
of South Korea. How they will prevent that outcome is bound
to take up more of their attention, as the crisis worsens,
and leave room for little else. The President recently received
Ariel Sharon at the White House, and reportedly promised that
the Israelis will get at least two weeks notice before we
attack Iraq. If I were Sharon, I wouldn't hold my breath."
may have been saved from the prospect of war in the Middle
East – only to be faced with an even greater crisis on the
other side of the Asian landmass."
we read in the New York Post: "War
on Ice: Report." Just remember: you read it here
Justin Raimondo
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