Posted May 24, 2001 EU "Commies" …I have respected Raimondo's ability to criticize politicians on both sides of the traditional political spectrum. A recent column, however, surprised me. Whatever people may think about the Republican Party in the US, it would be inaccurate to call it "fascist". Similarly, to call the European left "Commies," as Raimondo does in Viva Berlusconi! (May 7, 2001), is misleading… If the European Union is actually a thinly-veiled communist plot, why are Communist and Socialist parties which actually use these names throughout the European continent spearheading the opposition to the EU and Euro currency? Why is the Socialist Alliance in Ireland campaigning for a "no" vote in that country's referendum on the EU Nice Treaty next month? Why did the Communist Party in Denmark say no to the Euro and oppose EU membership? Why is the Communist Party of Sweden calling on all progressive "comrades" to protest the EU summit in June? I understand Raimondo's dislike of the EU and also of Communists. But to simply slap a bad system or idea with the "commie" label unnecessarily confuses and damages the debate. Left wing, right wing let's call the whole thing off. The antiwar cause is more important and I thank Antiwar.com for being there for all of us. ~ Michael M.
Unwarranted Generalizations Seem Counterproductive [Regarding Justin Raimondo's response to Filippos Klironomos's letter, "The USA is a Cultural Midget":] I notice that JR claims that the Balkans are a lot more violent than the US. Before the NATO bombing, the homicide rate in Kosovo was on a par with Washington D.C. And shouldn't we be including Vietnam and Senator Kerrey's antics in the US sum? I know Filippos Klironomos made some gross generalizations that obviously offended somebody who identifies with the words "USA". However, to respond with more unwarranted generalisations seems to me to be counter-productive. ~ Themos Tsikas
Filippos Klironomos's Curtailed Email [Regarding Justin Raimondo's response to Filippos Klironomos's letter, "The USA is a Cultural Midget":] I kind of expected the curtailed e-mail. All of a sudden space became important. Or is it fear of exposure? …Degrading comments I transcend them. Since by definition only a super-patriot…can champion in these fields, all of us the commoners and the annoying rabble should step aside. You didn't even bother to answer my arguments (maybe you read the curtailed e-mail with no arguments attached, your guardian of morality and conduct is doing a marvelous job)… Thanks to your country's divine interventionist work the Balkans are on fire again. It takes the unbiased intelligence of a twelve-year-old kid to recognize that… …The reason I am here is to study. When I came here I thought it was me who exploits the resources of US to my advantage. After teaching the poor American kids, totally incapable of thinking critically and constructively, I realized it is the other way around! …How many generations back do you trace the first immigrant from your family to this country? …On the grounds of your advice for me to leave the country, just because you came here first, shouldn't…the natives claim the same thing for you and…all of the conquistador descendents and direct immigrants of this country? …And a final quotation from Emma Goldman, "Patriotism is the last resort of scoundrels." Leo Tolstoy is less succinct but still accurate, "Show me a patriot and I will show you a potential murderer." …Unfortunately one of the previous messages I read, that Antiwar.com is actually pro-war.com is accurate. And as that person, me too realized when important events happened, that you are just another wolf dressed in a sheep's skin (or do you prefer hawk dressed in dove's feathers?)… ~ Filippos
The Backtalk editor replies: Mr. Raimondo read and replied to the edited version of your letter. I edited your letter because I felt that our readers would enjoy reading my 212-word version more than the original 650-word document. I have re-read your letter and feel that I didn't leave out anything of importance. If you feel that I've edited any important opinions or information out of both of your letters, feel free to write again. You have not demonstrated that Antiwar.com (or Mr. Raimondo) is pro-war. While many patriots in powerful nations support government aggression, one can prefer one's own country and criticize foreign governments without supporting government violence. ~SK