Posted May 30, 2001 Filippos Klironomos's Third Curtailed Email [Regarding the Backtalk editor's reply to "Filippos Klironomos's Curtailed Email":] …I think it should be to the discretion of the readers to skip through "unpleasantly" long e-mails and find only the parts that interest them without your, as benevolent as it might actually be, censorship. The argument that was important in my previous e-mail and was missing…is that the same attitude that Mr. Raimondo castigated the Europeans for, he himself adopted… That he set aside all the bloody history of US interventionism, proclaiming that US wasn't judged on that basis by the Europeans, nullifying in his patriotic mind, the inconsistency of a bloody murderer holding a human rights seat in UN. This not only shows a great inconsistency with the whole principle that Antiwar.com is supposed to incarnate but it proclaims the clear betrayal of it. It exposes the imperialistic petty feelings of "pride" that Mr. Raimondo possesses and their vile manifestation towards foreign countries and people… …As for the "gross generalizations" that a reader points out on me ["Unwarranted Generalizations Seem Counterproductive"], I really don't understand what he means. If he means, I asserted that every single American in this country is defined by the way I depicted, then of course I retract from that because it's not what I meant. What I meant was…the general tendency, the aggregated output of the educational institutions focus on that mindset for the majority of the population: well-trained consumers with diversified minds towards violence. Historical evidence backs up my statement. ~ Filippos Klironomos
You have not demonstrated that Mr. Raimondo was incorrect in claiming that the Europeans voted against the US government based on unprincipled jealousy, rather than opposition to US military interventionism. ~ SK
USA didn't save USSR [Regarding Justin Raimondo's column, "In Memoriam":] Despite what Justin Raimondo was told in high school, the USA didn't single-handedly defeated the Nazis, and Stalin could have gotten by without any American help whatsoever. If Justin finds some time to go through some facts about WWII (I'm not talking about watching Hollywood movies or reading Buchanan's book) then he will learn that by the time the USA did humanity a favor and entered the war in Europe, the German war machine was already broken by Red Army. …The majority of German troops were fighting against and destroyed by the Red Army, even most of the death camps were liberated by the Red Army. Hitler wasn't bent only on killing Jews, he was going to eliminate Slavs also. If Russia had lost, it would have led to tens millions of deaths of Slavs and Russian Jews. More than twenty million Russians died fighting the Nazis, but obviously all that means nothing to the likes of…Raimondo. They were commies, reds, and who cares about them anyway.
Hitler's plan was to conquer the world. If Buchanan's dream had come true and Hitler had defeated Stalin, then he would have gotten Russian oil, uranium, and millions of slave workers - and attacked Britain and the USA at some point anyway. Hitler's scientists came very close to building a nuclear bomb. If his best troops weren't stuck in Russia for four years we can only guess what would've happened. May I suggest that Stalin's regime saved the free world? ~ A.B.
Right-Wing Antiwar Migration After rereading Justin's article from 11/06/00, I would like to know what he thinks the Libertarian Party should do to clean up it's act? I wonder if some coalition of right-wing antiwar third parties could be achieved. Would it be feasible to migrate the antiwar movement to a few rural states in order to dominate their legislatures and get seats in the Senate and House? ~ S. Crow |