Posted April 13, 2002 Being Famous I'm a little annoyed you published my letter ["Compulsive Reading," April 10] without my URL -- and (to a lesser extent) edited my name to Sid W. Believe
me, if I want to use a pseudonym I will. But I've taken the Victor Ostrovsky
view that "being famous helps keep me alive." So please make
it Walker next time -- help make me famous ;-) The Backtalk editor replies: We abbreviated your last name and omitted the name of your organization because you didn't send your email to the Backtalk address and you didn't state that you wanted your email published. Links to appropriate articles that readers wish to see posted are appreciated and should be sent to Antiwar.com's webmaster, Eric Garris. Fate's Arrangement I am writing you from Orissa, India. I am an USA citizen, and a prisoner of corrupt Indian police for the last 600 days. India is a police state, not a democracy.
Anyway, that is not why I am writing. By fate's arrangement I am not well and am kept in a hospital and have access to the internet from time to time. My favorite site to get the truth on world affairs is Antiwar.com. I don't know how many viewers you have. I hope there are many, who are as appalled as I am by the mad warmongers, who seem intent on wholesale destruction.
Please, do not let anyone close you down. Keep up the fight and know that you have plenty of supporters. Brighter Beacon I've just put a check in the mail. Can't really afford it but then again I can't really afford not to have a source of information such as your website. You guys really are doing a great job and providing what I believe is a critical service for your fellow Americans, the majority of which are good folks that just need guidance through the media fog. I hope my dollars can in some way help you build a brighter beacon. Too Much Attention I have to agree with some of the other Backtalk contributors. I greatly enjoy Justin's columns, mostly the ones where he ties the news reports together and gives them perspective. However I cringe when he decides to take on another one of the NeoCons' stupid warmongering essays. I still read them, but, honestly, I don't need to be reminded twice a week what a wingnut Andrew Sullivan is. I have had the misfortune of seeing him on CSpan, and that was enough. Justin really does pay too much attention to these people. I bet if everyone ignored them, eventually they'd go away.
US Should Intervene I would like to congratulate you on the selection of articles that you feature regarding the the Mid East crisis. My friends and I visit your site all the time. However you must excuse me for not "joining" you by signing up, simply because I believe that in the current situation, the US should intervene by protecting the Palestinian civilian population that is being tortured behind closed doors. Otherwise, keep up the good work. Greatest Thing Since Radiohead I just wanted to write you and let you know that my "discovery" of Antiwar.com (a true discovery, unlike Columbus's "discovering" of America, say) is pretty much the greatest thing that's happened in my life since -- well, I'm really not sure -- since discovering Radiohead I guess. Seriously, you people are doing the singular service for America and the world. Justin Raimondo is right: I shudder to my marrow thinking of a morning where I access Antiwar.com and it's not there. Scarier than The Exorcist, without question. As Justin says, I sure wouldn't want to go there. I tell everyone who'll listen about your site, and encourage their logging-on (and I really don't differentiate, in terms of this one being a liberal, that one being a conservative, etc.; I trumpet it like loud and sell the fact that you're a site that culls the truth from the pile of s**t that quite unfortunately constitutes reportage these days). My knowledge of the Middle East and a multitude of other things has utterly peaked because of Antiwar.com, and I thank you for that, 'cause your soul knows when you're reading truth and mine drinks it down like mother's milk. I wish I could send you $ right now, but I can't. Please know, however, that I will send $ as soon as my situation allows it. I believe in what you do, you're filling the gap that KPFK and Pacifica in general have all but vacated (disintegrating as they are in their tattered 'n bloody clothes, tearing themselves apart), and I wish you longevity heaped on longevity, forever and ever, amen. You're the world's most important site right now. And don't worry about what those mothers at the Cato Institute are trying to do re: maligning Libertarianism either. Karma always always always wins the day. Always. Support I
read Justin's
article ["Short
Takes"] today and it reminded me that the Cato Institute is aligned
with the warmongers, and some months ago I decided not to support them.
Now it occurred to me to send
the money to you instead. (Even though I have already contributed.) ~ Jeff M. |