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We get a lot of letters, and, up until now, haven't had the manpower to deal with posting them, let alone answering them. But that sad state of affairs is at an end with the inauguration of this "Backtalk" column, edited by Sam Koritz. Please send your letters to backtalk@antiwar.com. Letters may be edited for length (and coherence). Unless otherwise indicated, authors may be identified and letters may be reproduced in full.

Posted June 22, 2001

NATO Resembles Cancer, Not "AIDS Virus"

In his [column, "The Conquest of The Balkans,"] on the inexorable march of NATO and the U.S. through the Balkans, Justin Raimondo likens that march to that of the "AIDS" virus through the human body. While I have no argument with his analysis of NATO and the U.S. carving up the Balkans, there is a problem with his analogy: cancer would have been the better comparison, for there is no scientific basis for HIV being the cause of any of the "AIDS" related diseases. HIV is found in millions of Americans who will never develop any symptoms whatsoever, while "AIDS" related diseases attack numerous victims who have no HIV at all.

HIV, unlike the U.S. and NATO, is a harmless passenger virus that shows up in some of the "AIDS" cases and is misdiagnosed as the cause. This has been amply documented and analyzed by Peter Duesberg, who isolated the first cancer gene.

~ Dan Winterrowd

Well-Intentioned Neo-Fascists

[Justin Raimondo's] support of the goat-faced and completely hysterical Italian northern separatist Bossi is sheer ignorance. Bossi has spouted repeatedly words of hatred towards anyone not Italian, or for that matter northern Italian. And Haider, in Austria, is not Newt Gingrich in lederhosen, but a man who has publicly complimented his fellow national Hitler for more than one reason on more than one occasion and has been quoted over and over again …with comments that Newt wouldn't dare utter. Bossi and Haider, your heroes huh? Well now we know what we're dealing with.

…To equate 60's lefties in Europe with Stalinism (which was responsible for the millions dead, not Trotsky, by the way) and compare their evil to that of Hitler is to border on irresponsibility.

In The Manchurian Candidate, Soviet and Chinese Communists worked hand in hand with the far right in the US. Unfortunately, rather than Orwell as the oracle here, I see Frankenheimer's prescience being the danger, as writers like this, presumably anti-war and of leftist origins, have now mutated into neo-fascists, decrying former anti-imperialists and lauding the real fascists of our day as heroes. We're in big trouble, and it's not from the EU, but from well-intentioned and very confused people like your writer.

~ Carl Haber

Justin Raimondo replies:

Oh please, Mr. Haber, spare us the politically correct outrage: every time someone in Europe disdains the idea of open borders and takes out after the European Union they are denounced by sixties-leftovers like yourself for "hate." Bossi and the Northern League are asking for some relief from the central Government in Rome, which has been forcing the northern Italians to carry the rest of the country on their back for decades. Doesn't Padania have the right to national self-determination – or do only commie-inspired insurrections have that right? If Bossi has expressed his "hatred" for non-Italians – and you don't quote him, of course – then at least that "hatred" is not expressed in the form of falling bombs, which is how his ex-commie and socialist critics in France, England, and Germany, had no trouble expressing their great "love" for the Serbian people during the Kosovo war.

As for Haider: I have written on him and the Austrian Freedom Party at length, and will not repeat my defense of him and his party here except to say that isn't it funny how anyone who opposes the EU, unlimited immigration, and the idea of national sovereignty is today reviled as the next "Hitler"?

The sixties-style leftists like German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer and Lionel Jospin, having failed to pull off their envisioned socialist revolution from below, are now intent on pulling it off "from above" – that is, establishing a United Socialist States of Europe without a referendum (except in Ireland). They will soon discover that trying to govern without the consent of the governed can be dangerous – for them.

As for your assumption that my ideological heritage is "of leftist origins" – wrong again, Mr. Haber. I've always been a rightist. In America, you see, you don't have to be a commie to be against mass murder by the State. As a rising imperialist power, the EU is the greatest danger to peace since the end of the cold war. If my opposition to "Red Europa" makes me a "neo-fascist" in your lexicon, then please, sir, make the most of it.

Russia in NATO

… I will be writing my Congressman and Senators to encourage them to call for a moratorium on NATO expansion, until it is made clear that eventual inclusion of Russia into NATO is recommended for the stability of the Western nations. Many readers here will probably prefer a breakup of NATO, but inclusion of Russia into NATO might be more helpful. It would weaken our own American ability to be masters of NATO. Furthermore, it would force NATO leadership to increasingly reflect opposing views on matters. This will especially be the case if the nations of the Balkans, such as Romania and Bulgaria, are included one day in NATO. Russian inclusion in NATO would move the NATO alliance from being a tool for America to use in search of global hegemony, to being an Alliance for inner security of the Western Civilization. But, Washington understands this, and so Russian entrance into NATO is summarily dismissed.

~ Dan McDonald

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