Letters to
We get a lot of letters, and, up until now, haven't had the manpower to deal with posting them, let alone answering them. But that sad state of affairs is at an end with the inauguration of this "Backtalk" column, edited by Sam Koritz. Please send your letters to backtalk@antiwar.com. Letters may be edited for length (and coherence). Unless otherwise indicated, authors may be identified and letters may be reproduced in full.

Posted July 9, 2001

The ICTY & Global Government

The case against Milosevic at the ICTY is a bad idea for many reasons.

One is the fact remains that this tribunal has not proven itself to be unbiased. ...Half the Judges come from NATO countries including the presiding, Judge May. Another 3 Judges come from predominantly Muslim countries. The decks are stacked against any Serb that goes before them. ...They have not even investigated NATO or the KLA. (Both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have investigated and recommended to the ICTY to investigate NATO and the KLA for war crimes.) ...The majority of the funding of the tribunal comes from the West.

Second, by not investigating the KLA, this case will ...encourage groups like the NLA to continue their armed invasion of Macedonia. If the KLA can rise up in Kosovo and provoke a Serb response that later sends Milosevic to the ICTY, the NLA may seek the same result in Macedonia against their leaders.

Finally, this high profile case, if successful, will actually lead to the creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC). This court will have jurisdiction over anyone and everyone. ...The US in due time will have to accept the fact that the Constitution will not be the highest law of the land. If that proves successful, what's next? We take down the American flag for a global flag? We refer to ourselves as not Americans but global citizens? What will become of the Olympics? Sovereignty will become a relic of the past, here comes global government!

~ P. Papageorge

Racak Debate

[Regarding David Walls' letter, "Not a Hoax":]

David Walls should take his own advice and read Justin Raimondo's column on 7/2/01 entitled "The Trial" a little more closely. Any additional findings at the site of the alleged massacre at Racak must also square with what has been previously known and verified about the so-called massacre; namely the AP TV crew that was on hand when the Serb police moved into the village of Racak; its emptiness of civilians; the failure by the TV news crew to hear the alleged songs they were said to have merrily sung as they shot all those "innocent" people; not to mention the failure of the alleged diplomatic observers who were to have watched the proceedings from a hill overlooking the village to report a massacre. As for the bullet casings and fragments found there by two later investigations in 11/99 and 4/2000, the same results can be obtained by simply propping up the corpses and firing a couple of strategically placed bullets into the deceased. You will get the required blood, DNA evidence and trajectories. Finally, Mr. Wells should also consider this: why would the Serbs leave all those bodies out in the open where they could be found and used to blame them with having committed an atrocity?

~ George Vukmanovich

Canard Debate

[Regarding David Walls' letter, "Not a Hoax":]

Reader David Walls questions Justin's judgment in "repeating the canard about the Racak atrocity being a hoax". He cites as evidence the (still-sealed) report of the EU forensic team, whose Executive Summary (cited but not quoted) "appears to confirm" a Newsweek report that concluded "victims were shot, not at pointblank range, but at a distance of at least a meter".

50 meters is a distance of "at least a meter". So are 150 meters and 250 meters. On the other hand, the victims were not "shot at pointblank range". Given all of the other questions and inconsistencies regarding this episode (the Serbs say the dead were battlefield casualties, while the CIA's El Salvador-hardened expert in terrorism, William Walker, called it, "the most horrendous" massacre he'd ever seen – see http://www.emperors-clothes.com/articles/Johnstone/Recak.html); who is repeating a canard?

~Tanasko Rajic

Weather Report

Regarding T. Crnogorac's letter "Change in the Weather": if CNN really is giving us a Tirana weather report the way he (or she) says it does, it must be a very boring report – anyone who has ever been to Tirana knows it is one of the most polluted cities on the planet. As for "99% of the world's population" not knowing Albania exists, that's hogwash, and he (or she) knows it. I can see folks being upset with Albania because of its (as Neboja Malic says) constant use though history as brute enforcers of despot regimes (the Ottomans, the Roman Empire, etc.), and I can see where folks would be upset with Albanian Mafioso being more savage than any other Mafia, and I can see how Albanian tribal treatment of women makes the Taliban look like feminists might upset some females, but, sir (or madam), your letter is simply anti-Albanian, pure and simple. What you need to do study up on the history and culture of this nation, or at least read some Ishmael Kadare, before you summarily dismiss it. Furthermore, I also suspect that where once Serbia was a darling of the power elites like NATO and is now a pariah, the same will happen to Albania, when this people is no longer useful to the power elites.

~ Deborah Lagarde


Is Justin Raimondo ...trying to "justify" his support of Kostunica's increasingly open treason against the Serbian Constitution/rule of law and its people? Raimondo's scathing attack on Milosevich's recent performance at the Hague fell way below his usual editorial standards.

The fact is that Milosevich succeeded in getting the attention of the world by refusing to play the NWO game – he cut the ICTY off at the knees by questioning its legal legitimacy and made 300 million viewers snicker at the same time. That uneasy shift of the eyes from Madam Barbour – I see you guys didn't soften him up enough, send Milosevich back to the Inquisition a few more months, we'll see how he snivels for mercy in August – was worth it all.

Will Raimondo continue to support Kostunica's supposed ignorance/blameless innocence as more Serbian leaders are extradited to the Hague? Kostunica always [takes] great care to couch every so-called nationalistic statement about the illegality of the world court with an escape clause to justify his need, nay his intention to co-operate with it – fully.

Raimondo has always appealed to the intelligence of his readers – I've loved the way he supports his statements and educates at the same time – but this column is ...nothing more than mere brainwashing – please don't expect me to believe that 2+2 = 3 – just because Raimondo said it.

~ Sanshisan

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