Letters to
We get a lot of letters, and, up until now, haven't had the manpower to deal with posting them, let alone answering them. But that sad state of affairs is at an end with the inauguration of this "Backtalk" column, edited by Sam Koritz. Please send your letters to backtalk@antiwar.com. Letters may be edited for length (and coherence). Unless otherwise indicated, authors may be identified and letters may be reproduced in full.

Posted May 14, 2001

The Tao of Credit

If wars were financed with taxes, there could be no significant wars. All wars are financed with bank credit that is created out of thin air. Taxes are illusions that very effectively regulate our bidding of credit against those who get all credit first for nothing...

"If governments should refrain from regulation, the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent…"    ~ John Maynard Keynes

… I offer 100 pounds of money to each person who will just describe the money that government spends. Government spends nothing and pays for nothing.

~ Winston Smith


Dear Editor,

…My parents come from a proud land called Macedonia… American and Western assistance to Albanian gangs is now threatening Macedonia. How can Americans expect Macedonia to declare Albanian as a second language when they refuse to declare Spanish as one in their own country? Will America grant citizenship to illegal immigrants? Why should Macedonia (a much smaller country)?

…Albanian-Macedonians have successfully – with the help of the West – segregated the Macedonian school system. As a college student at Indiana University, I would like to know when I can register to take classes in Macedonian. …Maybe if I take to the forests with a machine gun bought with drug money I will gain the support of America. It worked in the case of the Albanians, why not me?

…America should . . . stop Albanian gangs . . . in Kosovo that are having a direct and negative effect on neighboring countries. What Macedonia needs is American economic and political support. Macedonia does not need America dictating policies we should be deciding ourselves.

~ Trajko Papuckoski


I am a former U.S. Marine who participated in the Vietnam War in 1966-1967. I was stationed in one of the most dangerous areas in Vietnam called I Corps and spent most of my time at the DMZ and just south of it. I was in several extremely fierce battles and operations…

I have never heard a story like the one about Kerry as told on your web site. I knew people who had no problem in killing civilians but I never heard of or met anyone who would kill an old man in the manner described. …In other words, I don't tend to believe it.

…The Vietcong would put civilians in villages to be killed because it was good for local public relations: "Look at what these people did...help us to fight them!" Vietnam was a crazy bloodbath that should not have happened in the first place. Let these people live with their own conscience. If they really did this they are a disgrace to themselves and their country.

~ Richard Moore

Bob Kerrey Is a God

Bob Kerrey is a god, and gods are dragged down and slaughtered by small men.

Alexander Cockburn? I've been attempting to read his indecipherable writing for 15 years…

…Mr. C, for all the years I have been aware of your existence, I can't recall you accomplishing anything. Mr. Kerrey, on the other hand, has served his country, started and operated a successful restaurant chain, started and operated a successful health club chain, served effectively as Nebraska's governor, served effectively as Nebraska's senator.

I support Senator Kerrey's actions in Vietnam.

~ Timothy Boukal

Since you have not addressed the subject of Mr. Cockburn's column – the charge that Mr. Kerrey murdered unarmed civilians – we don't know why you support his actions. Is it because you believe that he did not murder civilians, because you don't care if he murdered civilians, or because you approve of murdering civilians in wartime? ~ SK

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