Senate Roll-Call Vote
on Kosovo Pullout

Below is the roll-call vote on requiring a pullout of American troops from Kosovo by mid-2001. The passage of the amendment deleting this requirement from the military construction spending bill is essentially an endorsement of unlimited US occupation of Kosovo. A YES vote is a vote to stay in Kosovo indefinitely, a NO vote is to pullout troops.

(Rollcall Vote No. 105 Leg. )
May 18, 2000,   2:35 PM

BILL NO.: S.2521
AMENDMENT NO.: S.Amdt. 3154
TITLE: Levin Amendment No. 3154

RESULT: Amendment Agreed to

A YES vote is a vote to stay in Kosovo indefinitely, a NO vote is to pullout troops.

  Abraham                 Feinstein                Mack
  Akaka                   Frist                    McCain
  Baucus                  Graham                   Mikulski
  Bayh                    Hagel                    Moynihan
  Biden                   Harkin                   Murray
  Bingaman                Hatch                    Reed
  Boxer                   Jeffords                 Reid
  Breaux                  Johnson                  Robb
  Bryan                   Kennedy                  Rockefeller
  Chafee, Lincoln         Kerrey                   Roth
  Cochran                 Kerry                    Sarbanes
  Conrad                  Landrieu                 Schumer
  Daschle                 Lautenberg               Smith (OR)
  DeWine                  Leahy                    Thompson
  Dodd                    Levin                    Voinovich
  Dorgan                  Lieberman                Wellstone
  Durbin                  Lincoln                  Wyden
  Edwards                 Lugar

  Allard                  Feingold                 McConnell
  Ashcroft                Fitzgerald               Murkowski
  Bennett                 Gorton                   Nickles
  Bond                    Gramm                    Roberts
  Brownback               Grams                    Santorum
  Bunning                 Grassley                 Sessions
  Burns                   Gregg                    Shelby
  Byrd                    Helms                    Smith (NH)
  Campbell                Hollings                 Snowe
  Cleland                 Hutchinson               Specter
  Collins                 Hutchison                Stevens
  Coverdell               Inhofe                   Thomas
  Craig                   Inouye                   Thurmond
  Crapo                   Kohl                     Torricelli
  Domenici                Kyl                      Warner
  Enzi                    Lott


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