Macedonia's Underhanded Dissolution
J. David Galland

The world may believe that the carefully staged, orchestrated, and subdued signing of the "Made in America" Ohrid framework document translates into peace in Macedonia, the latest Balkan boiling pot. It, however, does not. It will not provide any measurable change to the status quo, except for one thing: NATO soldiers have now, legally, shoehorned themselves into Macedonia.

This is the "endgame" of this whole NATO-contrived maelstrom of confusion and death. Now, the capitulation and the "buying-out" of the Macedonian marionette, President Boris Trajkovski, can turn Macedonia into a NATO protectorate, completely controlled by NATO – just like Bosnia and Kosovo. NATO has finally achieved the goal of its long-contrived secret agenda.

The United States, Great Britain, and the other, less significant members of NATO, have created, hired, trained, armed, coached, and directed the "so-called" Albanian Rebel Force. Until only a short time ago, many of the Albanian rebels were on NATO's payroll in Kosovo, where they were the benefactors of "hands-on" training provided by American Green Berets and their British counterparts.

They were provided weapons, mostly American-made, and the latest night vision devices. They were under the pedagogical tutelage of the Special Forces Soldiers. From them they could learn small unit infantry, and unconventional force, operations. Their initial missions were to kill and maim as many Serb soldiers as possible, after the May 1999 NATO bombing campaign, and to remove Slobodan Milosevic from his former position. However, this Albanian force slowly but surely got out of the control of their ultimate handlers, the CIA. Suddenly a rogue military force, which financed its "sidebar" activities with complicated and efficient criminal endeavours, was running loose. Damage control was the tall order that NATO faced.

In the past six months, the basically tranquil Macedonian countryside has turned into a free-fire zone. Continually, NATO has pleaded, persuaded, threatened, and bribed the Macedonian government, and its military, into dancing to their tune. NATO clearly did not want their rogue army of CIA mercenaries to be shot up, captured, or killed to the point of their own capitulation. This is why the United States, through a well-known government contractor, has run an off-line operation providing trainers and advisers, amongst the ranks of the Albanian Rebels.

Almost all of these "trainers" are former U.S. military officers, who were simply hired, or transferred on paper, to go to work as contractors, and do what American soldiers ought not be doing, because it is illegal. I would be very interested in knowing how many US soldiers are running around Macedonia, serving in "Classified Assignments", or with CIA fabricated identity documents and registered "Cover" and "Pen" names.

If one believes that American infantrymen suddenly showed up to escort four-hundred Albanian Rebels out of harm's way in air conditioned busses last month, just to be nice, then I have some beach front property in Abilene, Kansas for sale. At that fiasco, there were seventeen American advisers and trainers. They were in-ranks with the group of Albanian Rebels. NATO had to secure plausible deniability by rescuing the entire force of Albanians, and their mentors – without disarming them, I may add.

The peace papers that were signed on Monday are virtually worthless. They spell the eventual disabling of Macedonia's foundering security forces. At the same time, NATO Special Forces soldiers will enter Macedonia, link up with their old friends, and protect them as they throw a few of their weapons into the pot. As well, their territorial seizures and controlled land will be secured intact with the presence of NATO.

If, however, in the meantime, Macedonia offers a protest or a whimper that they are not satisfied with the complexion of the "so-called" peace implementation, then the US mediator, James Pardew, will likely come back and remind Trajkovski just who is calling the shots in this comic opera of NATO deceit, and where the money comes from.

It was Pardew's mandate to employ manipulation and intimidation, while holding the sword of Damocles over Macedonia's head, in the form of promising to do nothing about the Albanian Rebels. Do nothing, that is, if Macedonian negotiators did not do exactly what NATO demanded, capitulate! Now, it is too late. The Macedonian government has basically relinquished all its jurisdictions and national autonomy to NATO. Macedonia does not govern Macedonia any more.

NATO's military forces, the common soldiers, have been deluded into believing that they are spreading peace and democracy. It is what they are doing and by what means they employ and further their goals, which the free world ought not accept: lies and a pattern of enormous dishonesty. All the while, they are tripping over themselves to congratulate their NATO colleagues and partners in crime – and they are gloating about having pulled the wool over the world's eyes, again.

As Featured In: Bound & Overwatch - The Military Observer and PRAVDA News.

J. David Galland is the Founder and President of Bound & Overwatch – The Military Observer, a 100% nonprofit organization which serves as the advocate for soldiers and their families, as well as for veterans. He is a veteran of The United States Army, with over thirty-two years military service. Since 1969, Mr. Galland has been in Military Intelligence and is a distinguished graduate of the U. S. Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort Holabird, Maryland. He is a combat veteran of Vietnam, Grenada, and Panama and of hazardous duty positions in Ulster, Northern Ireland, Zagreb, Sarajevo, in the Former Yugoslavia, as well as various missions in Croatia and Bosnia. Mr. Galland has spent most of his military career outside the normal command channels in classified assignments as an Area Intelligence Technician, Case Officer, and Desk Action Officer. He is a internationally respected Defense Analyst, Author & Columnist, and Subject Matter Expert on Intelligence Tradecraft in the HUMINT discipline. As well, he is an authority on the former East German Staatssicherheitsdienst (Stasi). He has been published by numerous news periodicals and newspapers, both in The United States and Europe.

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