Explaining the Srebrenica "Massacre"
Information compiled by Antiwar.com columnist Nebojsa Malic
(if you'd like to contribute links, please send to Jeremy Sapienza)

What happened in Srebrenica in July 1995?

Note the question mark. To Bosnian Muslims, Srebrenica is a story of mass murder, and they use this assertion as a "bloody shirt" to accuse the Serbs of genocide. Many Serbs, in response, simply raise the issue of Srebrenica Muslims' crimes against their Serb neighbors – which are indisputable, but irrelevant to the debate. Meanwhile, the Srebrenica refugees are used as expendable political capital. Any murder in Srebrenica was a death too many. Anyone who murdered prisoners or unarmed civilians is a war criminal. But what happened? No one is in any hurry to find out. The myth is much more convenient. This page is not offering the answer, but merely asking questions no one else seems to be asking. It may well be that some 7000 people died in the aftermath of Srebrenica's fall. Or it may be they did not. Without a serious, honest inquiry, how will anyone ever know for sure? There can be no justice, no peace, no reconciliation (if any) without the truth.

Nebojsa Malic
August 2002

Links Libraries

Centre for Peace in the Balkans has a library of links regarding Srebrenica.

Emperors-Clothes has also dealt with the subject extensively.

Serbian Unity Congress, a Serbian-American NGO, has collected a few resources on Srebrenica that include articles from Western press questioning the accepted story.

Individual Resources

From Antiwar.com:

Shadows of Srebrenica
Not letting facts get in the way

Nebojsa Malic's take on the official Srebrenica story.

'Srebrenica' – Code Word to Silence Critics of US Policy in the Balkans

Stella Jatras, in July 2000, quoted many official and journalistic sources to show the purposeful anti-Serb, "pro-" genocide bias created by the Empire.

Srebrenica: The Fall of a "Safe" Area, the report release in April 2002 by the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation – Reconstruction, background, consequences and analyses the fall of Srebrenica. This is the official Dutch document on Srebrenica.

Here is a transcript of the 31 March 1998 hearing "The Betrayal of Srebrenica," organized by the US House Committee on International Relations - Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights. It features witnesses from Human Rights Watch, Coalition for International Justice (a lobby for the ICTY), Amnesty International, "human rights" experts and even a Muslim from Srebrenica who worked for the UN and came away unscathed.

Naser Oric was a known war criminal as early as 1994.

Serbian-American Alliance of New England (SANE) has an informative page on Srebrenica.

The key to ICTY's "massacre" and "genocide" charges was Drazen Erdemovic, a Croat allegedly member of the Bosnian Serb army, who was given a short jail sentence (and later released) in exchange for accusing Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic. Erdemovic allegedly fought on all three sides in the Bosnian War, and was diagnosed as insane at a hospital in Serbia.

Erdemovic's sentence speaks of 1200 Muslims - not 8000!

Srebrenica was officially declared "genocide" when Serb General Radislav Krstic was convicted by the ICTY in August 2001.

However, his verdict dealt with estimates and beliefs, not facts.

US Committee for Refugees site features interviews with the Srebrenica displaced, which frequently contradict themselves in an attempt to sound more tragic.

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