Appleman Williams (1921-1990) was born in Iowa in and
attended the U.S. Naval Academy. He served in the Pacific
in World War II. As influences on his thought, I should
mention Beard, John Adams, James Madison, Walter Prescott
Webb (whose writings on the frontier – ending with
The Great Frontier – treated a theme which
Williams made his own), and – in a generic sort
of way – Karl Marx. One doubts, however, that Williams
was ever really a "Marxist," despite the Cold
War liberals' joy in awarding him that title.
the war, he took a PhD in History at the University
of Wisconsin, which was still something of a bastion
of the old-style Progressive history. His first book,
Relations, 1781-1947 [1952] had a small impact
and led Mr. Vital Center himself – Arthur Schlesinger,
Jr., a founder of Cold War liberalism – to attack
Williams as a "pro-Communist scholar."1
In 1957, Williams returned to teach at Wisconsin, where
he and his graduate students became known as the "Wisconsin
school" of diplomatic history. Late in life, he
taught at Oregon State University and served as President
of the Organization of American Historians. Even in
the turbulent "sixties," he was critical of
New Left excesses. He would have hated the present university
climate of political correctness.
of American Diplomacy [1959; 1972] was noticed
by the scholarly community, although the Cold War liberals,
of course, hated it. The House Un-American Activities
Committee noticed his work and wasted his time with
summonses which were suddenly revoked after he had spent
money and time traveling to hearings. This petty harassment
was continued for a while by another government agency
I need not mention.
the quagmire in Vietnam raised fundamental questions
about the policies pursued – with mere differences
of nuance – by Cold War liberals and conservatives,
Williams began to find an audience for his ideas. Book
followed book. Here I shall only mention the very important
of American History [1961, 1973], the two-volumes
of readings in American diplomatic history (The
Shaping of American Diplomacy [1966, 1967]),
Confronts a Revolutionary World [1976] and Empire
as a Way of Life [1980].
body of Williams' writing is surprisingly American
and conservative in ways that transcend the supposed
"leftism" of the writer's politics. As a Tory
or Christian socialist, Williams admitted that there
simply was no "usable American past" in the
sense in which some New Left scholars sought one. Americans
had never doubted the legitimacy of private property,
and while this might make life hard for those working
for socialism, there was no point in denying it. To
the extent that he spent any time at all looking for
"voices from below," Williams saw such details
as part of the historical picture. One result
of Williams' realism in this regard is that the heroes
in his books tend to be people he saw as humane conservatives,
historical actors like John Quincy Adams or Herbert
Hoover. He could change his mind, too, as witness his
praise in Empire
as a Way of Life for John Taylor of Caroline
(as an opponent of empire), whom he had dismissed in
Contours as a narrow laissez faire "physiocrat."
saw American history in its unity, with US foreign policy
ultimately reflecting the character of the society,
or its dominant elements. Even so, it is of some use
to divide his contributions, however arbitrarily, into
domestic and foreign policy revisionism. On the home
front, Williams' periodization of US history –
in Contours – into ages of Mercantilism,
(relative) Laissez Faire, and, finally, Corporate Syndicalism,
is worth the price of admission all by itself. The last
period featured a state-corporate alliance – not
unrelated to US foreign policy – which cemented
existing relations of wealth and power while handing
out apparent favors to the broad masses and making some
effort to "stabilize" the system. From entirely
different premises, Murray Rothbard and other libertarian
writers came to similar conclusions about 20th-century
American corporatism. And Rothbard, the "right-wing"
scholar, was far more critical of Herbert Hoover, whom
he saw as a founder of corporatism – and, in a
sense, the New Deal itself.
central focus of Williams' work, beginning with the
essays which foreshadowed his Tragedy
of American Diplomacy, was how some Americans'
understanding of the role of the frontier in US history
contributed to a foreign policy of overseas empire.
Here, the emphasis is so much on ideas and interpretations
of history that "economic determinism" recedes
to rather un-Marxist dimensions. Of course, the ideas
of the individuals and elites in question aimed at dealing
with felt economic crises. Like the men of 1898, whom
he was criticizing, Williams believed that the crisis
was built into the market economy. They chose the path
of domestic corporatism and overseas expansion (Open
Door empire). Charles Beard, who shared the same critique
of capitalism, sought to square the circle with a program
of non-aggressive "continentalist" corporatism.
Williams chose to reject the empire in the name of "decentralized
believed that the men who brought America into the Spanish-American
War had a well-developed Weltanschauung, or "world-outlook,"
based on a particular reading of American frontier history.
This reading owed much to Frederick Jackson Turner's
famous "frontier thesis." The existence of
a moving frontier of contiguous land for over two centuries
had accustomed Americans to a certain level of prosperity
and individual freedom. With the "closing"
of the frontier in the 1890s, some new means must be
found to prevent the economy from running down –
a fear underlined by the Panic of 1893. To members of
the northeastern elite it seemed obvious that a neo-mercantilist
foreign policy in pursuit of ever-new foreign markets
answered the case.
"solution" to the perceived problem was soon
repackaged as the Open Door – unlimited access
of US companies to markets everywhere, to be achieved,
where necessary, by political and military pressure
on foreign states, peoples, and revolutionary movements
(where they existed). The frontier-expansionist theory
of history and the Open Door underlay US foreign policy
from 1898 on. Disagreements – within policy-making
circles, at least – took place within that framework
and dealt with such details as tactics, timing, cost,
and so on. Thus, from 1898 to Vietnam and beyond, there
had never been a real debate on the purposes and bases
of US foreign policy. And, of course, the "problem"
the elites claimed to be solving was itself misconceived
at several steps in the argument. And, here, we need
to go beyond Williams' analysis and integrate his historical
materials with the insights of Austrian economic theory.
critics liked to say that he misused his sources and
stretched his evidence. It seems to me that when an
historian can find the same rhetoric, the same analysis,
and the same theme recurring constantly across the decades,
he has made a case that this theme mattered to the policy
makers and, in fact, formed their outlook, or at least
a key part of that outlook . It is true that one can
find other themes – international philanthropy
and scrupulous US devotion to the letter and spirit
of International Law – running parallel with Open
Doors and foreign markets down through the same decades.
One might equally well find kindness to small children
and better working conditions for farm animals as persistent
sub-themes in American policy. Experience – "the
great teacher of mankind" – suggests just
how much these spiritually uplifting bouts of rhetoric
are worth, by themselves, to the analysis of US foreign
writing the story of the American establishment's long-standing
interest in, and obsession with, foreign markets, Williams
provided us with one of the keys to understanding the
origins and growth of the American empire. By his stalwart
example of opposition to the empire and its works he
inspires us all. This achievement, embodied in the many
books he left us, makes it easy to forgive him his misunderstanding
– as some of us see it – of the market economy
and his resulting conviction that socialism provided
a viable alternative to empire. In our time, mainstream
scholars, whatever the inane radicalism of their views
on domestic policy, glide along blissfully unaware of
the empire or in active support of it (as we saw recently).
As for the so-called "radicals," many of them
imagine themselves critics of empire because they add
"US imperialism" to their long checklist of
ills to be dealt with by complete destruction of existing
American society and its replacement by an envy-driven
egalitarian bellum omnium contra omnes. In such
times, it is a help to recall a radical scholar who
was an American opponent of an empire which merely
wears the American label.
[1] Quoted in Samuel Edward Konkin, "William
Appleman Williams (1921-1990): Sire of Neo-Isolationism,"
New Isolationist, I, 1 (October 1990), p. 6.
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