From the BBC: The US House of Representatives has approved funds for the creation of a radio and television network in the Middle East aimed at promoting American views. "This new network will... greatly contribute to an enhancement of our efforts to combat the...
“Paradise Isn’t Too Strong a Word”
For Romania? That's what some in the military are saying, as Rummy and co. ponder putting bases there. From the NYT: July 16, 2003 U.S. Eyes a Willing Romania as a New Comrade in Arms By IAN FISHER CONSTANTA, Romania — Kurt Sanger is only a captain and so he will...
Whose intelligence?
Jason Leopold reveals that the Office of Special Plans (OSP), which "probe[d] links between Iraq and the terrorist organization al-Qaeda and whether the country was stockpiling a cache of weapons of mass destruction," also advised the President to include the uranium...
The Romance of Empire
If you have not read Thomas de Zengotita's essay "The Romance of Empire" in the July issue of Harper's, check it out. Truly subversive. (Sorry, not available online.) Also great articles by Paul William Roberts and Peter (The Good) Hitchens-- enough to get you kicked...
The Road to Hell…
New to 'The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions': Jason Leopold: Saddam Hussein was an evil dictator who repressed, murdered and tortured his own people. That and that alone was a good enough reason enough to go to war, according to Bush and his...
Oldie but goodie
How They Lie: Journalism and the Art of Fiction: Justin Raimondo: The growing tendency of so much of the "news" – especially international reporting – to be pure fiction designed to arouse emotions rather than impart information, is a development that may not be...
40 Years Ago This Week
Headline from July 17, 1963: U.S. Spies Discover What Lies Beneath Russian Nesting Dolls; 'It's More Dolls,' Says CIA Director From The Onion, of course. (scroll down)
Even if it bankrupts us
Think we need to eliminate that pesky $455 billion deficit? It's not as important as invading third world nations, liberating oppressed foreigners and ridding the world of evil-doers, says the administration: "Restoring a balanced budget is an important priority for...
What Happened to Conservatives?: Rep. Ron Paul
Rep. Ron Paul wonders: "Where are all the conservatives?": One thing is certain: those who worked and voted for less government, the very foot soldiers in the conservative revolution, have been deceived. Today, the ideal of limited government has been abandoned by the...
More Bad News for Gray Davis?
From the Telegraph: "Tony Blair is expected to put his name today to a declaration justifying armed intervention against failing states." What are "failing states," you ask? "Where a population is suffering serious harm, as a result of internal war, insurgency,...