Parsing Rice

Rice, in a prime-time television interview, reiterated the White House argument that the president’s top advisers should not be forced to testify in public.

In other words, testifying in public, Rice says that the president’s top advisers should not be forced to testify in public.

So, all we’re left with are her objections to being “forced” and the one she left out…”under oath.” Since the 9/11 commission has said it is reluctant to subpoena Rice and that it probably wouldn’t do so, the only objection left standing is the “under oath” objection. I think it’s fair to say that Rice will testify whenever and wherever she chooses as long as she can LIE. This is such a transparently indefensible position that even Republicans are urging her to testify for the commission.

The only question left concerning Condoleeza Rice is what is she lying about?

UPDATE: Paul Waldman explains “Why Condoleezza Rice won’t raise her right hand and swear to tell the truth.”

Pants On Fire

ANOTHER UPDATE: Shark at piles on: FRIED RICE: ‘Condi’ Lies Again

Insightful: Finally, the White House is reportedly moving to declassify congressional testimony then-White House adviser Richard Clarke gave in 2002. By declassifying this testimony, the White House is breaking the very same “principle” of barring White House adviser’s testimony from being public that Rice is using to avoid appearing publicly before the 9/11 commission!