Al Qaeda, ETA or both?

Chris Albritton, writing in his blog, Back to Iraq, believes there’s reason to consider that the Madrid train bombing might be a joint operation:

There’s no reason that al Qaeda wouldn’t work with — or help fund — groups that further its own ends in the short run. (Which is why it never worked with Saddam. Not only did it not share any long-term goals with Iraq, and in fact wanted to destroy Saddam’s government, but it didn’t share any short-term goals either. Saddam didn’t want to destroy the United States. He wanted an end to sanctions so he could go back to trying to dominate the Middle East — something bin Laden wants to do himself.)

So. What conclusions may be drawn? As Juan Cole notes, if the ETA did it, it would be seen as local significance and probably bolster the standing of Jose Aznar’s conservative party prior to the Sunday ballot. If it’s jihadists, this will be seen as on par with Sept. 11, 2001, Bali and Lockerbie — and the War on Terror will have suffered a setback. The U.S., paradoxically, probably would like to have the bombers come from al Qaeda because that would bolster Bush’s charge that the War on Terror is ongoing — so don’t change commanders in the middle of a war.

However, either/or is too limiting. I think this was probably some kind of joint venture between the ETA and jihadists, but, still, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised to see this as a wholly Islamist enterprise. We just don’t know the full story yet.

As Chris points out, it is too early to know but this is an interesting insight that the mainstream media, to my knowledge, has not written about.

Update: I was wrong. BBC is speculating about collaboration.


Death of Rachel Corrie in Rafah
March 16

US Campaign National Day of Action for Rachel Corrie

Iraq Invasion
March 20

Antiwar March:

Peace activists will mark the one-year anniversary of the war in Iraq this weekend with a march on Washington beginning at the site of the military mortuary that accepts U.S. casualties.

Military veterans and members of families who have lost loved ones in the war will join in the memorial procession and rallies outside Dover Air Force Base and the White House.

The Dover base is home to the nation’s largest military mortuary, where bodies of U.S. soldiers are processed and prepared for return to their families.

Lindauer-Pipes Connection

Susan Lindauer, the accused spy for Iraq, seems to have been quite well-connected.

In 1998, she testified before the Lockerbie inquiry in 1998, saying that Syria, not Libya, was responsible for the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Scotland.

She supplied a copy of her deposition to Daniel Pipes’ Middle East Intelligence Bulletin, where they were eager to publish anything focusing new attention on Syria.

The charges against Lindauer is that she attempted to influence US government policy by meeting informally with an official (while failing to register as a foreign agent). That official has been identied as White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, her cousin.

Lindauer is the daughter of a former candidate for governor of Alaska.

A Capitol Hill staffer friend of mine has told me that this is going to be a very interesting story as the pieces of the onion are peeled away.

US Woman Spied for Saddam?

Drudge-ish, but apparently real, the story of a Maryland woman named Susan Lindauer – accused of spying for the Iraqi Intelligence – hit the wires a few hours ago. The first stories identified her as a former aid to several Democrats, but a bit more digging turned up some other intriguing links.

Daily Kos is on the story.

If you’ve followed the story of the American woman arrested on charges related to spying and Iraq, you probably know that the accused, Susan Lindauer, has at various times worked for four Capitol Hill Democrats–Congressman Peter DeFazio (OR), then-Congressman and now Senator Ron Wyden (OR), former Senator Carol Mosley-Braun (IL), and most recently, Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (CA). The “Weakly” Standard–to which we’ll return–was quick to post this information as what they called Lindauer’s “work record,” although they conveniently failed to mention that Lindauer’s time on these jobs accounts for only 3 of the last 11 years. But there’s a lot more than the rest of her work record (which includes newspaper writing in the 1980’s) that’s been missing from the stories of Lindauer’s arrest, including her direct connection to the Bush White House.
According to the indictment, “Lindauer delivered a letter `to the home of a United States government official’ on Jan. 8, 2003, in which she described her access to members of dictator Saddam Hussein’s regime `in an unsuccessful attempt to influence United States policy.’ ” That official, who wasn’t identified in earlier reports, is Lindauer’s second cousin–White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card.

Curiouser and curiouser. Much more at the link.

cross-posted at UnFairWitness