Double Standards

by | Apr 16, 2004

I was reading today in the news about a fugitive Chinese bank official accused of embezzling $485 million from his bank having been turned over by the US to Chinese officials. This brought to mind a somewhat similar criminal case, that of Ahmad Chalabi who, not only was accused but actually tried and convicted in absentia in Jordan of embezzling $200 million from his former bank (interestingly, Arthur Anderson managed to catch this crook). Instead of being turned over to our friend and ally Jordan for punishment, we instead are making him into the de facto if not de jure dicatator-to-be of Iraq. Although I am not really convinced at this point in time that being granted leadership of Iraq is a “reward,” it doesn’t somehow seem equal to the prison cell that the Chinese banker is looking forward to.

Apparently, this Administration can overlook any form of criminal behavior and even sell out their allies if it is to their advantage.