Spanish Troop Withdrawal Underway Now

Spanish Troops Withdrawing Now Jose Bono, speaking after the new government's first cabinet meeting, said that the process had already started. He said that a plan was in operation and would "conclude swiftly". Another account: Bono revealed after the new Socialist...

Convoys and Logistical Woes

AFP Reports: Ramadi - Insurgents' assaults on supply convoys west of Baghdad landed a blow to United States marines' stomachs on Monday as their bases in al-Anbar province began rationing food amid fears their stocks could run low. Since Sunday, all 1st Marine...

US Backs Off in Fallujah

The US is issuing this face-saving statement: The US-led coalition in Iraq has announced measures to end the military stand-off in the battle-scarred city of Falluja, west of Baghdad. These include shortening the curfew and allowing unfettered humanitarian access to...

Rats to Ship: “Adios!”

From the forthcoming issue of National Review:Since the conclusion of the war, the Bush administration has shown a dismaying capacity to believe its own public relations. The post-war looting was explained away as the natural and understandable exuberance of a...

Spain evacuates troops ASAP

Zapatero said he acted after deciding the United Nations was unprepared to take over the occupation of Iraq -- his condition for keeping Spanish troops in the country. Zapatero is right. There's nothing the UN can do to end this debacle.

LCpl. Boudreaux Update

An editorial on the accused Marine (see also this and this) appears in today's New Orleans Times-Picayune. A snippet:The Marine Corps has investigated the matter, although it has yet to disclose its findings on the authenticity of the photo or its decision on whether...

Supply Crisis in Baghdad

Read Steve Gilliard's assessment of the condition of US supply lines in Iraq. The situation is so bad the CPA is almost reduced to eating MRE's. The New York Times reports: On Saturday, travelers heading north to Baghdad on the main highway from Kuwait saw at least...

Mujahideen on the move

Firefight Near Syrian Border? Robert Burns of the AP reported April 16 the glowing success the US Marines were having in their mission of "sealing the border" with Syria, even though "a number" of Marines were killed in the process.WASHINGTON (AP) -- Marines have had...