Back to Iraq

Christopher Albritton is Back to Iraq and describes his return trip in “Greetings from Baghdad,” along with comments about the raids on Ahmed Chalabi’s house and INC offices, as well as the wedding deaths in “Chalabi to CPA.”

And Riverbend, the Iraqi girl blogger, also comments on Chalabi and the attack on the wedding party in her posting En Kint Tedri…

    In the end, America had to know that Chalabi was virtually useless…. Could the decision-makers currently mulling over the Iraq situation be so ridiculously optimistic? Or could they have really been so wrong in the past? We have a saying in Arabic, “En kint tedri, fe tilk musseeba… in kint la tedri, fa il musseebatu a’adham” which means, “If you knew, then that was a catastrophe… and if you didn’t know, then the catastrophe is greater.”