US Neocons and the Iranian spy

Check out Sydney Blumenthal’s new article in Salon. Blumenthal writes, “FBI agents have begun paying quiet calls on prominent neoconservatives, who are being interviewed in an investigation of potential espionage, according to intelligence sources. Who gave Ahmed Chalabi classified information about the plans of the U.S. government and military?”

Ok, I wouldn’t wish a government thug investigation on anyone, even a neocon. Really. But, as Kos puts it, “So will the neocons get their comeuppance? Probably not. But there is a sort of delicious irony in seeing these assholes, who for so long screamed “treason!” at anyone who opposed their foolish plans, suddenly become the subject of an espionage investigation.

So next time any Bush apologist questions your patriotism, ask right back — ‘Who sold out our nation to an ‘Axis of Evil’ spy? Heck, who invited this spy to the State of the Union Addresss?‘ It wasn’t the anti-war crowd.”