Euro Busybodies Extend Their Balkans Meddling

A reader responds to this January post with this plea regarding Romania’s (read: the European Union’s) tyrannical new adoption law:

    This law is breaking the hearts of families around the world. The law is cruel to the Romanian children and loving families that wish to adopt them. Romania assassinated its dictator, Nicolae Ceaucescu, but it looks like he has been replaced by a baroness who doesn’t even live in Romania.

    You are wrong, Baroness Emma Nicholson. Please reevaluate your heart, mind, convictions, and demands and help change this dreadful law. You are making a mistake that will be written into the history books forever. Make the change now before it is too late. Hearts around the world are being torn into pieces because of you. If you had the power to pull off this insane law you have the power to get it changed. Do the right thing! Don’t let the good things you have done stain your record forever by giving the Romanian abandoned/ orphaned children a death sentence. You have done wonderful and amazing things for humanity, but this is not one of them.

    Yes, Romania must clean up its act. The corruption is like a plague. But the fact remains that women have children that they can’t afford to care for and they will continue to abandon them, leaving them in the streets, trash cans and filthy, disturbing institutions. Find a way to make the Romanian adults change, don’t condemn the innocent children.

    There is a major uprising underway to overturn this law and it won’t stop. The good and honest people of the world care unconditionally about these precious children and we will continue to make efforts that are in the children’s best interests. Be a part of the movement to do what is best for these children and join our efforts. Don’t do the worst thing possible for them by backing the ban on International Adoptions! Work with us, not against us.

    You have been quoted as saying, “It was a mistake from the beginning to assume that for a child an adoptive family is better than the family which can not care for him. This is totally false. How will a child survive when he loses overnight his language, his neighbors, his friends, his country, all his relatives, and is sent thousands of kilometers away from all this? This is worse than losing one’s identity. The child loses absolutely everything. And when all this takes place for money, it is one of the worst crimes.”

    Have you seen the thousands of children living in sewers, starving babies in lead painted cribs with no food or love, dead children’s bodies with no funds for a burial, women approaching strangers trying to sell their children because they have no money, shelter, food, etc. What on earth could you be thinking by making this statement? You simply don’t have a clue!

    You are a woman of privilege living outside Romania. Is there any way you can comprehend what it is like to live in Romania as an adult or child? If you want to control what is required of Romania to join the European Union, perhaps you could adopt several children and make a difference in their lives. Ask your rich and powerful friends to do the same. Or maybe you could live in Romania for awhile and see just how difficult it is to survive. The families trying to adopt these children have seen the horrible conditions and all they want to do is help. Many are giving up their life savings just to save one child. You are solely responsible for demolishing these dreams with your politics. Put the politics aside and follow your heart.

    Please contact Baroness Emma Nicholson at:

    Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne MEP
    ASP 10G209
    European Parliament
    Rue Wiertz
    B-1047 Brussels
    Tel: +32 2 284 7625
    Fax: +32 2 284 9625

    Also, read her views regarding Romania

    Please sign the petition to overturn this law