The Daily Iowan gives us a shout-out, which is always nice, but it includes an annoyingly common misperception.Weird times? Consider this: As I was flipping through the 300 or so websites I have bookmarked, I came across And there I found an essay by Pat...
Tadic: Empire’s Dark Horse?
Leave it to Laura Silber, author of a major propaganda pamphlet about the destruction of Yugoslavia and now a "senior policy advisor" for George Soros's Open Society Institute, to lay out in the open Empire's plans for Serbia. In an opinion piece for the New York...
US troops recruit new Iraqi insurgents
Juan Cole wrote today:US observers keep expressing puzzlement as to why the killing of hundreds or thousands of insurgents has not had an impact in repressing the guerrillas. They don't seem to get it that Iraqi clans still matter and that when they kill an Iraqi,...
More IDF-style destruction in Iraq
American forces have bombed what they refer to as a "safe house" in Fallujah, killing at least ten people, perhaps as many as 15 which Iraqi witnesses claim were all members of one family. Acting on "intelligence" provided by the US appointed Iraqi "government" which...
Iraqi children come and go; Iran curious
Information Clearing House has a link to a Der Spiegel report "More Than 100 Children Imprisoned, Report Of Abuse By U.S. Soldiers." When I first tried the link, it didn't work, so I did a search on "100 children imprisoned." It kicked out a story from April 8, 2003,...
AWOL Revisited
Very interesting. DESERTER THE STORY OF GEORGE W. BUSH AFTER HE QUIT THE TEXAS AIR NATIONAL GUARD An examination of the Bush military files within the context of US Statutory Law, Department of Defense regulations, and Air Force policies and procedures of that era...
Hornberger/Cassel interview
Philip Dru: Administrator will be interviewing frequent contributors to Jacob G. Hornberger and Elaine Cassel today from 4 - 6PM EST. The radio interviews will be streamed on the web. There's a high-bandwidth link and a low-bandwidth link.
Justice for Zaydun?
Zaydun Maybe. Despite months of stonewalling, obstruction of the investigation, denials and lies by the US military in Iraq, it appears that at least the 3 soldiers responsible for the murder of Zaydun Ma'mun Fadhil Hassun Al-Samarrai, who was forced to jump from a...
Karpinski: Israeli interrogators in Baghdad
The American general formerly in charge of Abu Ghraib prison has told the BBC that she has evidence that the Israelis were involved in interrogating Iraqi detainees at another facility. Brig Gen Janis Karpinski, who was suspended in May over allegations of prisoner...
Fahrenheit 9/11 — My 2 Cents
I just got back from seeing Moore’s anti-Bush cinematic editorial. Rather than review it I’ll comment on issues already raised on this site, starting with Eric Garris’s blog posting, "Sorry, I didn’t like it." "I got to the theater early to beat the crowds (not so...