The Other of Two Evils

Kerry Defines Middle East Policy This is the first of what I hope will be many blog entries here. As those of you who read Justin's article already know, I'm's latest hiree. Today we got a glimpse at John Kerry's official Middle East Policy. Now, obviously...

Cheney’s Home Run

Or was it Cheney's run home? The New York Times reported in this article last Wednesday that VP Dick Cheney was booed during the seventh inning of the Yankees-Red Socks baseball game at Yankee Stadium the night before. According to Tristero: Fair and Balanced blog...

Iraq Pipeline Watch

Found an interesting website which keeps track of attacks on oil pipelines, installations and industry personnel in Iraq, starting in June of 2003 ... here Apparently this past month, June 2004, has been the worst, at least in terms of the number of incidents.

Japan’s ‘Village People’ Navy Recruitment

As they move ahead toward abandoning their pacifist constitution, Japan's Navy is ahead of America's in trying to appeal to the MTV generation. Check this out! This page actually appears on the Japanese Navy website. Now read this hilarious article by Mike Rogers over...

Taliban Still Killing

Reports continue to come in of Taliban terror attacks designed to disrupt the upcoming fall elections in Afghanistan – no one is spared: men, women, children, reporters. However, voters also continue to register although the original end-of-July deadline has passed....

Tom Palmer’s Foreign Policy

My old associate Tom Palmer, who is now a Senior Fellow (formerly Vice-President) of the Cato Institute, explains his foreign policy: Our Enemies' Handiwork The radical Islamicists have shown us again what they really are. The world should see the photos they released...