Here's an interesting juxtaposition of articles that came over the news service I read within minutes of one another: Fallujah savors peaceFALLUJAH, Iraq (AP) - Two months after U.S. Marines pulled out, residents of Fallujah feel safe again, sleeping on their roofs to...
Women’s Rights & Intervention Backfires
Recently, a reader, Bill Kelsey, sent me a nicely considered discussion of why Intervention for Good Reasons is still trouble. Here are his thoughts: "Here in the States it is illegal for a political party or campaign to accept foreign money. When this happens it is...
Saturday Blog Tour
Commenter Bill Kelsey writes about the unintended consequences of interventionism on Catallarchy. Lounsbury on the uselessness of airstrikes as a counter insurgency method. The Bush Administration is having problems controlling the press. From idleworm: Ever notice...
Madison/Rafah: Sowing Fear For Votes
A letter writer to Madison's Capital Times finds herself "troubled by the hostility and even hysteria of those opposed to the Madison Rafah sister city proposal." "Hysterical" is certainly a good word to describe Madison Jewish Community Council board member Lester...
Does the US have secret detainees?
Does the US hide detainees from the Red Cross? Here's the answer: (Helen Thomas questioning) Q Does the President -- does the United States harbor or hold secret detainees who are not available to the International Red Cross? MR. McCLELLAN: Actually, this is an issue...
The Oilman’s Revenge
Ted Friedman comments on "The New Energy 'Crisis' and Iraq": This is a confusing post that sees to suggest that Peak Oil is a "theory" based on "junk science." Mathew Simmons seems to have excellent credentials. Much better than the author of this post. His quote...
A look at the neocon stovepipe
A senior U.S. official summarizes a classified DoD report for Knight Ridder's Jonathan S. Landay and Warren P. Strobel and we get a look at how the neocons' stovepipe operated.
Allawi executes insurgents in Baghdad
Paul McGeough of the Sydney Morning Herald has written a devastating article accusing the ex-Baathist Mukhabarat agent and CIA asset US-appointed interim "Prime Minister" of Iraq, Iyad Allawi, of executing as many as six suspected insurgents at a Baghdad police...
#1 cause of death in the IDF?
Israeli soldiers are killing themselves Maariv: According to a report prepared by the Rehabilitation Division in the Ministry of Defense -The report disclosed that for the first time, suicide became the leading cause of death in the IDF. Last year, 43 soldiers...
The infamous Orange Jumpsuit of Death
A second body, described as a "Westerner", dressed in an orange jumpsuit has been retrieved from the Tigris River, this time about 20 kilometers south of Mosul. Unlike the corpse found yesterday, this one was not beheaded, but the man's throat was cut.