Another day in “Sovereign” Iraq

Booby-trapped car bombs exploded outside an Armenian church and a Catholic church in Baghdad’s Karada neighborhood minutes apart from one another. One American soldier was killed and two others wounded in a roadside bomb explosion near Samarra. A car bomb targeting a police station in Mosul killed 5 people, 3 of them Iraqi police and wounded 30 bystanders. The US military bombed Fallujah again after a firefight with Iraqi guerillas. 12 Iraqis were killed. Marines in Ramadi are getting attacked by the Iraqi National Guard. The warmongers can add Turkey to the list of countries they accuse of “appeasing terrorists” as two Turkish trucking companies who service the US military say they will pull out to save the lives of two of their drivers who were taken hostage.

Kerry announces that his plan for Iraq is to personally charm other countries’ governments into sending their people to die in Iraq instead of Americans. The fact that in all the countries who have the kinds of troops that Kerry wants the populations overwhelmingly opposed the invasion and oppose involvement is apparently irrelevant. Kerry didn’t mention why he thinks these countries would go into Iraq in spite of public opposition nor did he offer any reason to think that these extra troops would end the guerilla war now engulfing Iraq.

UPDATE: Now it is four churches blown up, two in Baghdad and two in Mosul.